Chicken and egg plagiarism

Saturday January 28, 2012
Which one came first?

I've just received my Sabi T1 razor, made in Taiwan and for which I paid £17.22 delivered to the door of a TSR friend in the States. (Thanks for your help in acquiring this razor.) Very good value! It reminds me of another razor, but which one?

The Sabi came with a fake Murkur head, which has a poor finish - dust on the brass before chroming - but even blade loading. We'll see how it shaves in the morning. The handle - as you can see - is very similar to the other one in the photos but the finish isn't quite as good - the edges are sharp though the machining is good. The knurling is deeper, which I like a lot!

The BRW Bull Mastiff 2XL is altogether a nicer handle - smoother feel - but the knurling ever has been not grippy enough for me. They are both the same weight and chromed brass.

Loyalty dictates that I think Bob's was produced first and copied in Taiwan - but who knows? What I do know is this - if you want a BRW Bull Mastiff 2XL and can't find one amongst the hen's teeth or anywhere else - the Sabi handle would keep your itch scratched - and for a lot less money!

For those who don't know, Bob supplied his razors with replated Gillette heads.
I told a lie! The head that came with the Sabi T1 is not a fake Merkur - it is a fake Parker. It currently resides in my re-cycle bin.

The handle is great! Love it - A BRW Bull Mastiff 2XL but with deep knurling. Now to buy a decent head for it - will still be a cheap but excellent razor.