Chelsea at it again.

Martin... It's "football" over there. I think they call 'soccer' the thing they play on our pool table (but they block the holes first☺).
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!
Johnus said:
Martin... It's "foosball" over there. I think they call 'soccer' the thing they play on our pool table (but they block the holes first☺).
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

Happy post Turkey Day to you buddy,

Thanks for the correction, but I'm thinking that game with no holes is called 'buzzards' and not soccer. That's where the phrase "shooting some buzzards" comes from.
I'm not particularly into football these days. As a kid, when we lived up there, I used to love going to Molineux to watch Wolves. I obviously played the game through school and still do on occasion for the work team. I follow their results to this day - and I get along to the odd game when convenient - but football is only particularly interesting to me when there's a major internationals tournament on.

I'm currently sat working at the dining room table with the radio on. Unusually, 5 Live was the pre-select with Chelsea-City on. Emphasis on was, as it's since been changed to Radio 4. What I couldn't stand was that the Chelsea supporters were booing their own manager. I know there's history there between Liverpool and Chelsea... but I repeat: booing their own manager. Now you can vent your annoyance at the owner via numerous means, but that's outrageous and classless. If these Chelsea fans epitomise football's culture then I'm glad to get shot of it.
Fido said:
Some mindless posters on display at the Bridge today. Still, in a free society everybody has the right to show what a complete idiot they are.

Venting their anger at someone who for a while was a competent manager of a big rival. In a short period of three and a half years whilst he was at L****pool we faced each other around twenty six times and he usually came out on top. No big secret that him and Mourinho were at logger heads for the whole time so its only natural and most of the anger was indirectly vented towards RA.

That's football.

You could have switched over to the West Ham v Tottenham game to listen to the Hammers bestowing the virtues of Lazio. Now that is class.
I wish football fans would stop referring to "classiness" as a virtue. For a start it's a bad misnomer for the qualities that fans think they're referring to, and even then it's an outdated concept even where it might seem to exist. No club, and no fans can claim to have massively redeeming or positive qualities and a complete lack of negative or damning ones. Football supporters claiming they have more "class" than another set of supporters is like Kate Moss boasting she has bigger tits than Iggy Pop.
The last time I looked, "classy" also meant reflecting or having high standards of personal behavior which is considered to be a virtuous quality worth aspiring to but as it tends to be used pejoratively within a football context that doesn't make it any less appropriate, outdated or a bad misnomer. Clubs and supporters don't claim "class" superiority over one another other, that's quite different to accusing opposing fans and clubs of "lacking class" or acting in a "classless" manner over a situation or incident. The term has now become so ingrained within the vocubulary of football language it has become synonymous in describing the behaviour of fans, footballers and clubs alike but the essential meaning(s) are no less valid for being so.
Lifted from talk sport

Chelsea fans will accept their players shooting apprentices, their captain sleeping with his best friends wife, same captain racially abusing the opposition

But god help you if you do your job by undermining the opposition and their fans whilst in another job 6 months prior
Fido said:
Another manager bites the dust. So how long will the next one last?

He'll last 'til the end of the season. Who else is gonna wanna to take the job?

Benitez might be The Fat Spanish Waiter but he's our Fat Spanish Waiter now and my team will always have my full throated support, but CFC Plc is a different matter entirely.

Roman is a ruthless businessman and no different to our previous two owners (Business 101: There's no room in business for sentimentality). Football is and always has been a business, anyone who says different needs to do some research into the history of the sport. The most successful teams have always come from the clubs with the biggest bank balances.

I only wish that adultery, drug fuelled orgies, tax evasion, fraud, back hander's, convictions for rape, driving under the influence, Joey Barton, dangerous driving, parking violations, assault, GBH and avoiding drug tests was solely confined to football.

Maybe not the drug fuelled orgies.

JT's a lot of things, but racist he isn't. I wonder how many here have said or done things in the heat of the moment and then regretted it afterwards. I dropped three blokes off up at White Hart Lane last month and didn't jack the price up.

Oh and maybe getting away with tax evasion as well.