Cheap Sputniks

Welcome to TSR from one of your satisfied customers :icon_smile: would be interested to read what you know about fake blades.
Yes indeed, welcome to this very fine forum, Gemstone. I was introduced to the thoroughly excellent Sputnik blades by Helveticum of this Parish when he kindly sent me a pack of five to try. I discovered your listing quite by chance on ebay as had another member, 782sirbrian. However, I am not yet a happy customer of yours because all the buggers on here snapped 'em up before I could pull the trigger! If you're not fast, you're last....

Looking forward to the new year when I will be click happy, buying Sputniks from you. All the very best of the season!
Hi Gemstone, I have you as a saved seller waiting on the Sputniks again, hopefully now you are on here you can give us the heads up and you can get rid of the next batch just as quickly as the last.

Any one tempted by the russian aftershave gemstone has,Im very tempted but with my luck it will be the russian version of stardrops.
I'm experimenting with all sorts of blades at the moment, at Christmas I bought the Lord, Personna, & Gillette sample packs, so I don't need any more blades for quite a bit.
But after reading this thread, I was curious to try out this blade if you lot think they are so good I'm willing to give them a try.
So I've ordered 10 and I can't wait to try them, If I like them a lot I'll buy a good few more.
Finally got around to trying some of the 10 I bought, 1 and a half blades into the 10 pack I've ordered a 100

Slightly sharper, I think, than the Astra SP and very smooth.

That's 90 Astra SP left in my stores, plus 40+ random blades from sample packs, plus the inbound 100 Sputters, am I starting to demonstrate signs of NTS itus?
After seeing this thread, I thought I should try one of the Sputniks I received in a PIF a while back. I put it in an EJ86 and lathered up with TOBS Jermyn St.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting much as the EJ is not one of my favourite razors but I have ended up with a superbly close, irritation free shave. It seems I may have stumbled across another blade/razor combination that works for me.
Thanks, just ordered some, with a few other bits and pieces. As it was a multiple purchase, I have asked for an invoice.

Looking forward to trying the Sputniks, and seeing how they compare with the Rapira Swedish SuperSteel ones that are my current favourites.

I feel enabled!
I've been using my first Sputnik this week and I would NOT call them sharp. They are however very smooth. I'm on day #4 with the Sputnik and today's shave was a BBS but it took 4 passes and a lot of work to get there. No weepers and very smooth though.
I tried a Sputnik in my DE89 and lathered up with a Boots stick. I was looking forward to a nice relaxing Sunday shave as I had the house to myself and plenty of time before I had to be ready to go out.

However, I didn't get a good shave. I got some irritation and 3 weepers which is unusual for me. I'll put it down to my technique however and give the same blade a second go tomorrow with some Palmolive cream - never had a rough shave with that stuff.
Just ordered 110 Sputniks, from casayasmin. Thanks OP

I am looking to get into the Russian blades, are these the best of the bunch or the other varieties better (Voskhods, Rubies, Rapiras, Ladas, etc.)? I've not tried any of them.

I like Astra SP and loathe Feather, can't get on with them, and was looking for a smooth and sharp alternative...
Currently I'll shave with anything, with a preference for a 7 o'clock yellow, Astra SP, Shark (for socially acceptable shaves not BBS).
I steer clear of Feather and Permasharp which I find to be nothing but torturous.

I know that this is a grey area, subjectivitiy and blades, but if anybody could post suggestions and advice that would be great, though I don't want to derail the thread so feel free to PM your thoughts.