Chance to choose, a new material for the Hone Type 15.

What material next for Hone...

  • Stainless Steel

  • Aluminium

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It's not the weight that puts me off brass it's keeping it looking clean. The lack of weight would put me off aluminium though, I didn't like the Standard for that reason, although I think I'm in the minority.

There are two of us in that minority Chris @chris.hale - I just haven't been able to love the Standard at all...
A questions for @Hone - somehow the finish on the brass handle becomes very secure in the hand as it gets wetter. Would this apply to the new materials as well, or is it unique to brass?
The samples I have use the same texture as the brass (not quite as heavy) and they appear to work the same way. The reduced weight also helps.
I voted aluminium, as I think think the weight difference between the 2 would compliment each other - i.e. a Brass Hone owner might be more likely to take the aluminium
I'm sure a SS version sell equally well!
(oh and an OC version )
I really like the look of the type 15 however the maintenance of brass puts me off (cleaning). I think titanium would be a great choice. Other than Wolfman I can't think of another Ti DE razor. Just my 2 cents
@Hone @Nico1970

I love the way the standard looks but it feels awful in the hand and doesnt feel like a quality product to shave with (my opinion, i know people will disagree)
So for me stainless steel would be great, a razor needs a bit of weight, im getting a hone at some point this year! Like i said before andrew, the hone is the natalie portman of razors in my opinion....
I paired mine with an Ikon OSS handle and it made a world of difference.

Intresting, will have to try this. Thanks MikeyJ.

I don't own a Hone but have voted for Aluminium..just because I have a few Stainless steel razors and would like to see another Aluminium razor.

Thanks Andrew (Hone) for asking our opinions. Choice of handles would be aswome.

Well the engagement and great responses on here are the reason I asked, its a really open community.

Making a new material is going to be a big step and I want to make sure its going to be the right one. At some point I will hopefully have both Aluminium and Stainless (and based on some responses perhaps some others, but they are quite specialist ) but I want to grow realistically and be around for a long time.
So for me stainless steel would be great, a razor needs a bit of weight, im getting a hone at some point this year! Like i said before andrew, the hone is the natalie portman of razors in my opinion....
Hopefully it ages as well as she is/will
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