Cella - is there anything slicker?

I followed up Ollie's recommendation and got a sample of Cella Classica edc. After a long period of not being able to make up my mind about it, I've decided that yes, it gets the thumbs up.
Arrowhead said:
I followed up Ollie's recommendation and got a sample of Cella Classica edc. After a long period of not being able to make up my mind about it, I've decided that yes, it gets the thumbs up.

But of course.

It's best on sunny days, smelling as it does of lemons and all.
I love Cella, it´s my to go soap for sure. Three times of four I use it. Love the smell sooo much, sometimes during the day I can still get a hint of the scent :hungrig
Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff. Thanks Arrowhead.

Anyone know the cheapest place to buy this from.
Ingredients are quite interesting. Taken from Olivia's Site. Not sure if these are in order but if so, that coconut oil as first ingredient is Very interesting.

"Cocos Nucifera Oil, Tallow, Stearic Acid, Potassium Hidroxide, Sodium Hidroxide, Aqua, Potassium Carbonate, Parfum"

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.olivia-seife.de/shop/herren/rasierseifen.html#Cella" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.olivia-seife.de/shop/herren/ ... html#Cella</a><!-- m -->

By the way, is your cella white? Mine is an off white colour. Beige perhaps. It's not like this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://connaughtshaving.com/cella.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://connaughtshaving.com/cella.html</a><!-- m -->
No, mine's not white. It's a slightly beige/gold colour.

I must admit to being impressed by the short ingredients list.

How strong an almond smell does it have?

As someone that really doesn't like the taste or smell of almonds/marzipan I wouldn't like it if its strong.
shaving.ie has Cella for a good price (1 kilo), but I don´t know how shipping will hit you UK guys, for me it makes sense to pay 30 euro for a kilo delivered ... Well maybe it´s wrong to talk about sense in this context :? :lol: Mine is kind of biege too.... and did I say anything about how slick it is? :lol:
IanM said:
No, mine's not white. It's a slightly beige/gold colour.

I must admit to being impressed by the short ingredients list.



Tried with a slant today. I can't figure the slant out. No matter what I do (tried different angles, pressures etc.), I just cannot get a close shave. It feels like a mild and very safe razor to me, even with a feather. I feel it is a nice razor for daily, WTG passes.

I just don't get it

More experimentation required.
I haven't tried celia but i have heard plenty of good things about honeybee soaps, there's plenty or reviews about and lubricity is a very important factor.
I must admit I didn't find the basic Honeybee's soaps to be that special Hux. Basically melt and pour glycerine base with a few added extras, the scents I tried were generally artificially unpleasant.
I got Cella, MWF and P.160 last week and so far have only performed one test run with each.

Briefly on: Hardness // Scent // Lather // Efficacy // Moisturizing these soaps go as follows:

Cella - Soft // very light almond, almost as if you cannot feel it // great // cannot comment yet // cannot comment yet.
P.160 - Soft to Medium hard // fairly strong almond // good // cannot comment yet // cannot comment yet.
MWF - Hard // uninspiring, like an ordinary soap // cannot comment yet but you need to work on it hard // cannot comment yet // cannot comment yet.

Other than the expected camera WB influence in the shots below, this should give you a fairly good look of the colour each soap has.

From left to right: P.160 // MWF // Cella // Acqua di Parma. Bottom center: Tabac.

From left to right: P.160 // MWF // Cella // Acqua di Parma. Right center: Tabac.

Cella and AdP:

Top row: MWF // Cella. Bottom row: Tabac.

I cannot say I am thrilled by any of the three yet (Cella, P.160, MWF) based on what I had read, but perhaps they'll start to grow on me as time goes by. At the moment Cella has my preference. Have not tried the Tabac yet, that one should be quite good, used to use the shaving cream when I was a teenager...
antdad said:
I must admit I didn't find the basic Honeybee's soaps to be that special Hux. Basically melt and pour glycerine base with a few added extras, the scents I tried were generally artificially unpleasant.

That's good to hear i was going to plump for three of the things, so far p160 hits the spot though oddly for face lathering eshave mandarin is great stuff which i find off because in a bowl it's nothing special.

Good to see that lineup architect, will be good to know how they compare too many folk on other forums are too biased into what soap etc they prefer at least on here i know it'll be fairly honest.

I was going to try celia but i get the impression it's like p160 just with a lighter scent.

Tabac will ve very interesting, i was going to try mwf at some point as well.