Cella - is there anything slicker?


I've really been loving Cella lately. It's just an awesome soap.

The scent is mild and not overpowering, but what really impresses me is the lather it creates.

It's thick, shiny and moist, and very slippery (oo-er.....)

Seriously, it's perhaps the slickest soap I have used, and I've used a few! You can get away with a splash of water on the final pass and there's a still this slippery film on your face which the razor just glides over.

My face feels great after the shave, very comfortable and supple. The scent doesn't hang around, so any other products you use won't clash.

The only other soap that I feel comes close is (glycerin) Mama Bears, which I wish we could get a better deal on over here. It has that same slippery feel to it.

I don't notice this phenomenon with other soaps, particularly milled such as Cade, Harris, Trumper, etc.

Henk - what do you think causes this slickness?

I, too, love it but almond soaps give me a rash

Surely Henk's tallow-and-clay concoctions are slipperier than a fishmonger's wife?
not tried either but I like the marzipan birthday cake smell of almonds! Does it smell like the cologne?? Ollie sent me a sample and that was luuuuvvvveeeeerrrllyyy

I think henk adds clay to his which I'm sure adds some if not all of the slipperiness
sjedwardz said:
not tried either but I like the marzipan birthday cake smell of almonds! Does it smell like the cologne?? Ollie sent me a sample and that was luuuuvvvveeeeerrrllyyy

The daft thing is that the Cologne is sooo cheap - I think it was £12.50 for 200ml from Connaught. My Trumpers stuff is £30 for 50ml.

Every man should have Cella Smella, esp now with the warmer weather - it's all lemons and lime and . . . . . mmmm. Even my wife "likes" (= doesn't hate) it.

Ollie - is this Cella cologne you're referring to? I had a look at Paul's site but didn't see any sign of it.

Nee hoor!

I use Cella Cologne. Brilliant stuff, should be in everyone's den. Very cheap and very good.

Paul's got it and you try it via the Decant Club

Hi Rik

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