
Saturday July 11, 2009

I'm sure most of you know about the huge fishing tournament here in the US next week. Yep, it's a big Catfish contest, held this year in Mississippi I think. Years ago I usta participate, until I got stung by a catfish. Yeah, they have little pointed fins that they inject poison into whatever gets in it's way. Heh, that was me one day.

Anyway, I almost died (very common reaction) and now I gotta be careful not to ever get stung again. There's no record of anyone surviving a second puncture.

So, these fish don't like lures. They prefer something stinky like chicken livers or rotten cheese, presented on a hook laying near the bottom. They swim by and suck it into their huge mouths.

However, there's a guy on ebay who finally created THE lure for fish with whiskers like catfish, bullheads, carp, sheepsheads, and a bunch of others. Yeah, these long coarse hairs stick outta their chins or around the side of their mouths. Some of em look a little like David Niven. Matter of fact, the 'wels' catfish swims in your neck of the woods...a delightful little fish.

So I bought a lure. I may never use it, but I can see why this would attract certain kinds of whiskery fish types. See what you think.



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I think you may catch a few TSR members with that.

You pretty much got me with the whole fishing story, until I saw the lure. LOL
Cat fishing is becomming popular in the Uk there are quite a few larger lakes and fisheries begining to stock them, but the big European rivers seem to be the mecca for the specialist big Wels hunters where fish can grow to well over 100lb. i've never fished for them but have fished for other predatory fish such as Pike and big Perch, i've found the best bait for a predator would be a live bait, and what i've seen of the big Catfish they can't resist a livebait. Whenever i seen those pro Bass fishing tournaments on the TV from the states i always like to take a look. the American large mouth Bass is quite simular to the UK perch.


Just north of me is the state of Wisconsin, known for beer, cheese, and good fishing. A favorite of sportsmen up there is the muskellunge, or 'musky'. It's the top (largest) pike of the family, and a nasty tempered fish it is with big teeth. Heh, some lures used are baby ducks and frogs, but mostly it's other normal lures and live bait. These can get upwards of 50 inches and can weigh close to 50 pounds.

They are also a pain to try and catch, They can break the line or throw the hook once they're on, but they're also kinda finiky when it comes to taking the bait. they're known as 'The fish of 10,000 casts'. Seriously. they can be tough to raise. Hayward Wisconsin really does have a large musky contest every year.

The perch here in Lake Michigan are small....a large one being one pound. Usta be great to eat, but I'd be wary of having em too often now. The lake is messed up and eating any quantity of fish from this end of the lake isn't such a great idea.

You may have heard of the author Zane Gray. He was a very popular Western writer and became wealthy as a result. He also loved to fish, and spent lots of time traveling to various parts of the world. This was 80-90 years ago, when there were plenty of huge fish to be caught. Things like 600-700 pound tuna and trophy size billfish, all using fairly primitive tackle. Really some good adventures.

Here's a link for the book if that might interest you:

Also available in soft cover
Very nice. But here in up state New York the main piece of shaving gear that was used for fishing were DE and SE razors. As the disposables came in, guys would use old razors as 'sinkers'! To weight their lines down.
Catfishin at it's most sophisticated. Gotta love them thar hillbilly accents. Sounds sorta Cockney don't it?

Now this looks like a fun group:

Johnus said:
Very nice. But here in up state New York the main piece of shaving gear that was used for fishing were DE and SE razors. As the disposables came in, guys would use old razors as 'sinkers'! To weight their lines down.

What's happenin Derby Dude,

Funny you should mention that 'sinker' story. Matter of fact, a while back I posted we usta do the same thing when I was a kid. Yeah, we'd pick.........hey,,,,,wait a second here. Are you using my own story against me? Trying to trick me are you? Could you be that sly?

Maybe.I'm just overly suspicious, and using the clunky old heavy Gillettes was a common practice everywhere. If so, I numbly apologize.........
That Guy Zane Gray is very simular to our very own Jeremy Wade scientist and world famous fisherman, you have probably seen some of his programs over on the Discovery channel called river monsters, as regards to the Perch in lake Michigan i would say a 1lb Perch is a decent fish around here as well, but the odd 6lb does pop up on occasion, and UK Pike get up around the 45lb mark.

I love catching Perch.

Aggressive bites and very lively once hooked.

I would take a 3lb Perch over a 30lb Carp any day of the week.

Back to Catfish. Some bloke caught an absolute monster in France in the 80s. A real beast of a fish. Might have been the first to crack the 100lb mark. Anyway, he put it back in the water and decided to call it a day. As he was settling down for a well-deserved kip, his mate told him that Catfish hold grudges and had been known to pull themselves out the water to hunt humans.

Panic (and more likely lack of sleep) had this chap convinced that the Catfish would hunt him down so he grabbed his sleeping bag and climbed the nearest tree and spent the night up there.
I would totally agree with you about catching a 3lb Perch Vinny, now i've caught Carp and Pike to over 20lb, but i would willingly give up those fish for a 4lb Perch, i love the way they look with that big dorsal fin, and without doubt one of the most beautiful fish to be found swimming in British waters.


Someone's been to the opera.