Cased Razors and Restoration

I am currently hunting down vintage cased razors. No longer simply happy finding individual razors. Im thinking big now.

I am curious as to how you guys have dealt with the following issues.

sterilizing the bottom liner.
I have seen cases from pre 1930 that are merely soap encrusted, others are well beyond saving in terms of stains and so forth. Is it better to simply yank the bottom liner out completely and find new velvet that matches the color?

Top liner,
Is there a way to preserve the top liner and its logo so that nothing is ruined? I mean if I get a case with a great top liner, but the case needs replating, how do I remove the liner without hurting the logo?

Gillette logo in liner,

Is it "do able" to restore the Gillette logo? In some razors its silkscreened on, but in some cases I see that it is impressed INTO the liner. and then screen printed on. Would it be acceptable to attempt to gold leaf it?

Is it needed to remove the hinge pin to replate the case as two separate pieces?

Inner Tray,
Does the inner tray HAVE to come out for prep work prior to replating? I know a lot of them were simply stamped tin or tin plated brass sheet.

Case Exterior,

I see that a lot of the cases are imitation leather, or a canvas type material depending on era. Is it difficult to match the right material?
And a lot of the exterior case logos were embossed and gold leafed, so is their any special prep work for the exterior before I try to do that myself?
It can be very difficult to match the fabric. Some of the 1930's cases use a faux shagreen embossed fabric. The closest approximation today is a vinyl substitute. Other cases used marbleized paper. The easiest case covering to find would probably be the faux dark brown alligator hide used on cases in the 1940's.
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