Cartridge razor advice needed

You are still undecided which to use..well first and formost, imho it's down to what works best for you.."stating the obvious there, but it's's my two bobs worth of humble for DE shaving i second @wayne mattison post, you wont cut yourself with a Gillette tech,.."we only fear, what we don't understand"...
The cost of a basic traditional shaving kit to introduce yourself to DE shaving will win over buying disposible/cartridge razors/gel, method handsdown..
As for wet shaving it's just a matter of using little bit of shaving common sense,learning you technique and you'll be rewarded with some sublime shaves.

Have a look on youtube at
Both PaulH & Kevy introduced me to the world of wet has lots of brilliant wet shaving videos to show you everything that you need to know.

However, traditional wet shaving isn't for everyone,.. i myself have only been DE shaving for just over a year now, but before that i used Cartridge/disposible razors/gel., shaving for me use to be a task,but since i introduced myself to traditional wet shaving,i look forward to my next shave, to be honest this is something i never thought i would say, as i use to hate shaving with a passion.

If you do decide to stick using Cartridge razors as already mentioned try the Gillette guard, IMHO they are the best SE cartridge razor out there, i still use mine from time to time. Regards.
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...If you do decide to stick using Cartridge razors as already mentioned try the Gillette guard, IMHO they are the best SE cartridge razor out there, i still use mine from time to time. Regards.

Ironically, I sold one of these I have had for years as a backup to a wet shaving friend who was intrigued by this obscure Gillette product. If I were forced to use a ctg. razor this would also be my choice. Mild, efficient and quite possibly the fastest ctg. razor I have ever used. No wonder they refuse to market this in the First World as profits would crash!!
Feather MR3 cartridge razor. Fixed and adjustable head settings. The fixed head helps with the transition.

I had some of the same fears even after years with Gillette cartridges. Start with the Feather 7 days a week. Then go to the DE 2 days a week when you have more time. Gradually increase to 7 days with DE.
Cartridge wise I use a Gilette Mach 3, not too many blades in comparison to some. Thanks for the info on the Guard, will try it out, at least till I have a couple of weeks to try out the Merkur without needing to be seen!