Cartridge razor advice needed

Thanks for the info.

Can you define an 'exciting shave'.
A shave that is fun because I'm using a nice tool someone invented a hundred years ago and I can use my skills to achieve an amazing result. Something I'm happy to do again and again.
As opposed to a boring shave with a piece of plastic that just takes off my stubble. I'd find that a chore, but sometimes boring is good. Start with boring, then find out what is possible later.

This!! For all that is sacred!
I understand, but I cut myself more often with a cartridge, than I've ever done with a DE.

No need to be afraid. Really.

Mmm, not sure I agree with this. There is so little actual blade(s) exposed on a cartridge, combined with the fact that they don't seem all that sharp to start off with, that, in my view, makes them less likely to cut you. However, cartridge razors give you a rubbish shave for precisely the same reasons.

Pulling two or three blades through your stubble inevitably causes more drag and discomfort. A single, sharp blade, carefully wielded (like a fly rod, a razor is an instrument, not a tool) gives a more comfortable shave.
Wilkinson sword Hydro 3 is what I use if (and don't you lot start nothing) I need a quick shave. It's only got 3 blades in it. But most of the time it's DE Razor.

Look out for The enablers by the time they've finished with you.... well you'll see.
Palmolive stick 49p, Omega synthetic brush £5.00, Gillette Tech razor from Ebay less than £10, 50 Shark stainless blades which give around 4 good shaves per blade = 200 shaves £4.25 or other blades all around the same price, that's a years comfortable shaves for less than £20 that's around 4 packs of chuck away razors which are plastic and you young un's are keen on less plastic I believe? Don't buy anything else and that is a bargain in anyone's book and you will not cut yourself with a Gillette Tech, my wife uses one for her legs it's that easy to use.
The original poster should give the humble DE razor a go ( or a SE razor for that matter ) yes you are looking at a blade, with so called exposure. But you do have a lot of protection from a guide bar, with a good soap/cream (cushion/glide. And a brush)
When we started shaving with a DE or SE we all probably awaited a hacking but in all honesty didn't happen only a few weepers, but it's all part of the learning curve, just like like our grand fathers did, (and yes some of us are using razors that our granddad's would have used.) We still continue to use, and love these razors.

Just a few thoughts

kind Regards John.
I think just about everyone else has said it. Preparation is everything. I prepare my face the same way whether I'm looking for a quick shave with a Gillette Guard so I look presentable for work, or continuing my efforts to learn to shave with a straight razor.
Hello all.

I'm not ready to use a de razor quite yet.

Can someone recommend a cartridge razor for a close comfortable shave please.

Thank you.

You will get what you pay for imho.

That said, i believe the less number of blades a cartridge razor has, the better they are. I liked Contour and Sensor in the day.

Also, i think that the second part of your question is not dependent on the razor, but rather the technique and soaps/creams used.

If you use the techniques often sold here, you will have a great shave no matter what you use, that is, plenty of water and hydration first, a good lather (not goop), leave the lather on for a minute, don't try and get a BBS in one go, just go in one direction, lather, then some other direction, lather, etc and then use a good after shave routine.

You will have good shaves.

If you want quick, multi bladed carts and goop are your bag, just don't expect BBS
I've been shaving for +50 years and have had an on and off relationship with my DE's and SE's. About three years ago I decided to ditch the DE/SE and picked up my Mach3 and Sensor razors. I get superb shaves from both these razors and don't see myself going back to a DE or SE.