Carsons Apothecary Exotic Oud 5* Shaving Cream

My final thoughts:

It has a very gloopy consistency compared to any other cream I have used, runny and almost watery. It's actually described as a ‘shaving milk' on their site. I wonder if this affected the first couple of shaves and that, if left so the moisture evaporates and it thickens up, it then starts to perform.

I can't deny I got some good shaves out of it, with a nice lather and ample slickness (though not the best), but equally I had some disappointing results too. Post shave feel was generally okay rather than brilliant.

The fragrance was a definite plus point, with good strength and a nice, exotic scent that made for a pleasant experience. It's also very different from any other product I've used.

It comes across as another high-priced, style-over-substance brand which I hold to a higher standard, especially with the alleged amount of development work put into this. While a perfectly adequate performer, it wasn't something that made me want to enthuse about it.

Full review here.
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