care for gore-tex hiking boots

i got some nice all leather hiking boots last year which i put some nikwax or something like that on once. worn them a few times and now they are looking proper scruffy and scuffed at the toes. i was going to put normal shoe polish on and build up the layers but i have been told that thats not breathable thus ruining the gore-tex.
any suggestions please?
can i put one layer of polish on to get them looking nice again then put some other protector on?
Thin coat of Cheery Blossom Waxed Leather Oil will make them look good, sort the leather out and leave them ok breathable. You can do polish nikwax and so on just don't lather it on. It's the soaking through that's the main problem if it get's through to the Goretex layer you've stuffed your boots.
There's also a leather wax called Renapur Leather Balsam. In my opinion its excellent. It can be used on all sorts of stuff. Worked wonders on one of my old bike leathers that had dried out a bit. Costs about £12 upwards.
Here's a link to it.
If you are not worried about having a shine I would suggest good old fashioned Dubbin. I've tried Renapur and similar products but Dubbin is the one that I come back to.
at the same time as my original post i also emailed scarpa the manufacturer what they recommend and they got back to me straight away with great advice and are sending me a free tub of cream. a++++ for their customer service
razorquest said:
at the same time as my original post i also emailed scarpa the manufacturer what they recommend and they got back to me straight away with great advice and are sending me a free tub of cream. a++++ for their customer service

And the recommendation was?
would you believe it? it was there own branded cream haha, Scarpa/Contour HS12 cream. plus this is what they said about normal polish -We would advise to completely avoid application of standard shoe polish to any of the products from our range. Standard shoe polish will smarten up the appearance of the boots but it will not nourish the leather and once applied it will block other proofing products which are subsequently applied. This can affect the long term durability of the boots causing the leather to dry out and crack prematurely.