Car boot find... What's the razor?

Found this at the car boot, does anyone have any details on this set, especially the razor. I'm guessing it's a tech, but which variety. It has the Gillette logo and Made In England under the head. I've checked My Razor but couldn't find anything with the same handle...

I have this set too. Exactly the same. Maybe then it isn't a Frankenrazor, at least not one that separate individuals assembled. If it is, this would be quite a coincidence. Perhaps Gillette themselves assembled these from odds and sods they had lying about? Why wouldn't they? My combo gives me the best shave I think I have ever had, which is why I am trying to solve this little mystery. I know this post is late, but did anyone get any further down the track with this one? yes I found the handle also and identified it as a NEW 1946, but have had difficulty finding exactly the head. The 'Made in England' is on the lower half...but I have not identified the date of this part yet. i am thinking mid fifties..and then, of course, there is the bakelite box...from the NEW 1946 set. Anyone??

It could be where the original user had a mishap with the razor and accidentally damaged a part. Gillette may then have sent the user a similar but not exact replacement part.
Tim B said:
It could be where the original user had a mishap with the razor and accidentally damaged a part. Gillette may then have sent the user a similar but not exact replacement part.

Seems unlikely seeing as there seem to be a few people here with exactly the same set. I'd say Gillette assembled bits and bobs from new/old stock and sold them in this combo. I have read (wish I could source this now) that Gillette would do this at times, and why wouldn't they? The combination works, and works well. It's the head I can't date, not the handle, but I have the feeling it's around 1956?