Can't reply to thread (Error)

Hitchin, Herts
I'm trying to reply to Factormax's "celebrity scent" thread, and whenever I post my reply I get an error. I'm attempting to post a reply with Imageshack hosted pictures in it. The error I'm getting is:


You don't have permission to access /forum/newreply.php on this server

Have you paid the electric Hunnymonster?

I've had this exact same issue recently. The photo seemed to be the problem. The only way I could resolve it was by deleting the photo on Imageshack, then re-uploading it, and attempting to post again. Strange, but it seemed to work.
They're pretty small pictures in terms of pixels so it's not a size issue. Imageshack seems to work fine on any other forum I use. Not to worry, I'll just not bother posting pics. Cheers guys.