Buying for the sake of it

... Don't think I need any more...
...than one soap really

Assume you went for the pine only version and not the pine tar from RM?

Which reminds me, I haven't gotten around to trying the Blighteys yet, but I sniffed the campfire (soap equivalent to Ardbeg or Laphroaig) and the grapefruit (didn't get much from it, perhaps when water is added it will increase in strength) yesterday and plan to lather up tomorrow!
Aren't we all "buying for the sake of it"? Last week I ended up ordering a Proraso Brush and a DR Harris soap just so I can meet the "free shipping" requirements for Musgo Real Glyce.

The price of Musgo Real - $10. Ended up paying $45.

And I would be fine with it if it was my first time. But it's not. If you have a shop, and that shop is having a "free shipping requirement", I'm gonna meet it when I'm ordering from you, because I like saving money.

Other stupid orders from last week include an Omega S-brush. I used it twice and I put it in a drawer. I have the L'Occitane Plisson and some boar brushes that are great. But I was curious about S-brush.

Oh, and this is on the way. I was looking around site, and I was happy to see Razorock XXX. So I put it in the basket. I always wanted to try it out. Looked around some more, I put one Omega SOC boar too. Next day, I was like "You know what... I want to try an open comb". So I put a Fatip Grande in the basket too. NSS Warm Spice looked too tempting. Dropped that one too. Added two more Razorock soaps, their scents seemed interesting. Realized that I was a little over my budget, so I deleted the Razorock XXX soap and finished my order. Long story short, I wanted just the Razorock XXX in the first place. Ended up with a big order, but without it in it. Because logic.
First question is do you like me sit a your computer in the evening after having a couple or more "drinks" I have found this to assist me in my BRAS weakness One good thing has in my opinion happened to me with my latest Razor purchase which I put a bid on "because it wont go that cheaply" WRONG!! won it oh well will explain to the Mrs in a couple of days why I over spent my pocket money.
Razor duly arrives in really good nick and as I was about to clean it I notice that despite being to all visual evidence that it is a 46/47 Gold Tone Aristocrat the patent information is missing from the internal base plate , this should not be the case so what do I now own a one in a million collectors piece or what ? fingers crossed
Unfortunately, I can't blame the drinks, as I don't drink.
But I'll tell you what gives me "assistance". Seeing all the forums posts of people using awesome products, and me being like "hey, I wanna use that...".

In past year, I kinda stayed away from shaving forums. Didn't bought a single shaving product. Maybe a tube of shaving cream, in a shop, but nothing else. As soon as I started lurking around, I started buying stuff.

These forums should have an "off" button, where you can only see and participate in non-shaving topics. That might fix many people GASes.
Everytime I get something I say 'OK...that's all I need.' But then the dark gods of acquisition disorder make their presence felt. For example; I've been after a Gillette Fat Handled Tech. One came my way. Happy as a happy thing, with an especially good reason to be happy, I was. But the forces conspired and got me to go on to Etsy; where I was seduced by the 1912 Every Ready SE...

My straight jacket beckons...
I have finally stopped buying for the sake of it, only because I've bought everything I could ever possibly use: 5 razors (with a stand for each), 6 brushes (with a stand for each), 20 soaps/creams, 600 blades. The only way I'm going to acquire anything else is winning the monthly raffle -- 2 tickets per month. This can all go to hell if @Fergiebilly or @Nishy start raving about something new, of course.
Steve. I have the Ikon slant. flipping brilliant shaver. Is it enough? Nope. I had to have the ATT Slant. Is it better than the Ikon. Nope. Not a jot. No difference whatsoever to anything apart my wallet. A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted.
I am getting my Shavemac brush today. I am officially done. I do not care if P&B bring out 24 carat gold soap. I don't care if ATT bring out the razor to end all razors. Nor do I care if someone catches an Angel hair Badger and makes a brush out of it. I'm done for the rest of the year.
You can't stop until you've acquired a PAL Injecto-Matic. Then you're officially done.
I'm avoiding the whole shchick/pal route entirely because they are so bloody ugly.
Steve is Spot on..An AK 47 is Ugy but I can Tell You its One of the Best Weapon's ever Made..The PAL Injectomatic is the AK 47 of the Injector World..

Only a Fool Judges a Tool by the Way it Looks..Capitalism & Shaving Forums are a Haven of Fools..The Shaving Vendors make a Fortune out of them with Shiny Junk..

This fool is sticking firmly to the Stainless gorgeousness of the ATT's of this world. I have no desire to wield an assault rifle when a Baretta can get the job done and look better doing it.

This fool is sticking firmly to the Stainless gorgeousness of the ATT's of this world. I have no desire to wield an assault rifle when a Baretta can get the job done and look better doing it.
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