Buying for the sake of it

Get yourself a Kanayama strop Billy, worth every penny and more.

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Yep they will set you back. I got the entry level one for £100 ish. Great customer service (customs etc) too. But the finish it provides is superb. I have now used Westholme, Leather&Stuff as well as 2 others and this is hands down the best edge finisher. It feels like glass to the touch.

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Yeah..I know what You Mean..The Glass like Touch..Only an SR or Hollow Ground SE Blade User would know what that Meant..

I think I have about 16 razors, a similar number of brushes and 20 or so soaps. I don't mind the approaching 1000 blades because they're all med preps or labs and there was a question mark over their future when the factory was sold so I stocked up.

I keep meaning to off-load some stuff but never quite get around to it. When the cupboard gets full and I need to move something out, that will be the push point.
I quit showing my wife my new razor's long ago. I started this policy after showing her my new Gillette Bulldog and getting no response except exhaled air. So now I don't flaunt my den size and quietly go about my business of hording razors. Last week I expanded my horizon by picking up a Clog Pruf and a G Bar. Only three things certain. Death, taxes and my RAD.
I first started accumulating different razors in a similar fashion to how I was buying different weedkillers for the lawn. Hoping that there might be one all encompassing solution to eradicate what I wanted but leaving the rest perfect. Much like the lawn though, nothing works all year round and in all circumstances, so I then started accumulating razors for differing conditions. Mild for short growth, aggressive for longer hair. Mild but efficient for sensitive skin and fast easy razors for when I'm in a hurry. I think the only impulse buy was the Rocnel half DE little beastie. I don't regret buying it but can't see any circumstance where I'd use it, unless I am having a danger day and want the thrill of always being a nanosecond away from a cut if I don't concentrate.
I'm new to soaps but in three weeks have accumulated double figures of the things. I've only just realised they are seasonal too ! Lots of menthol soaps for the summer and warming spice soaps in the winter...... my wife is going to kill me when she finds the bathroom stacked high with soaps for all occasions by the end of the year !
Yeah, cycling consumes far more £Â£ than shaving for sure...

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In my case, I have to thank TSR and Youtube for most of the stuff I purchased but I don't really mind.

I came here looking for information, I had a Merkur 34G (gift from my wife) a couple of soaps and a single brush. It never crossed my mind I would see the need to buy any more razors, etc. but just looking around and I don't think there was a TSR member with a single razor and single brush . I then bought the Progress and joined the forum IIRC 2 months or so later I'm £500+ worse off lol Do I regret it? Not one little bit but I need to get it under control.

On the positive side, my shaves are now so much better and enjoyable now. Some improvements are due to my improved technique but others are little things I picked up from other members and also the equipment I have now. That's the thing that matters to me after all, a good and enjoyable shave.
This sounds exactly like my experience when I started, it will come, keep at it in the systematic fashion you describe. Just to clarify when I say 'it will come' by that I mean a razor, brush and soap combination specific to the hour of the day let alone stubble growth etc etc. Or in other words just keep collecting

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I forgot the shavette ! I bought a cheap Bluebeards revenge shavette to learn straight razor shaving. this then led to me acquiring my late grandfathers straight razor and in turn opened up the whole world of mastering blades, honing technique and a learning curve as sharp as the blade itself. I was getting perfectly acceptable, blood and irritaion free BBS shaves from my DE's and SE's but just liked the challenge of it.
Yep I bought a Parker shavette very early on cut myself on the first stroke, threw it in as a freebie on a purchase. Didn't touch straights for a long time after that, what a mistake a completely different experience and one to cherish. Having now found DE shavers similar to my straights I tend to use these. Nothing removes more stubble in 2 passes than my straight razors though.

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I want that book. Where do I pre-order?[emoji12]