Brut Aquatonic



Does this even exist anymore? It is a blue splash (or at least used to be) of which i have 1/2 a bottle left from ages ago (which suprisingly has not gone off). "With light toning essences".

I really like this stuff and was wondering if anyone knows if it is still available or whether it has been re-branded under a different name?

Knowing my luck it was stopped 10 years ago :lol:

Attero said:
Its worth about a pound as well... imo anyway.

I wonder whether it is what used to be "Brut Aquatonic" then? I quite like the old bottle i have here - not much burn, but makes the face feel great after, and not a bad smell to be fair - IMO. I guess as usual this is very much an individual thing
I just did a quick google and the Asda stuff is coming up as Faberge .. So i guess it still is the Brut version. Whether its a reformulation or not i dunno.
I don't honestly recall the original scent, so couldn't really comment.

I only picked this bottle up out of morbid curiosity tbh i mean £1 aftershave..