Brush Wastage

This morning I had a pleasant shave with a wool fat soap, cheap boar brush and a RazorHawk V2 with a Kia Captin blade in it. All was lovely, three passes and I'm as smooth as James Bond after a shaken martin.

The other day I had a shave with King of Shaves no foam shave gel and a Claymore fitted with a Feather Pro. All was lovely, one (very careful) pass and I'm equally, if not more, smooth than I was today.

Over my very sophistaicated breakfast of vodka martins and a couple of cigarettes supermarket own-brand cereal I got thinking. If I use the Claymore I need one pass, if I use a "safer" razor (such as my RazorHawk or EJ DE89) I need at least 2, but have been known to do 4 to get the extra close shave.

If I have a proper shave (with shave soap puck and brush) I always have plenty on my brush to do 4+ passes. I find this quite off putting when using the Claymore, as a second pass with that is pushing my luck to avoid blood loss, yet after one pass I still have a very much fully loaded brush. I've tried to load the brush less, but I seem to struggle to get the middle ground between not enough and more than enough for 4 passes.

So far I've got three options:
- Use KoS gels or similar (currently used)
- Use a shave soap stick, and spread straight on face (but I've yet to find one which I like)
- Man up, ignore my "but that's wasteful" habit, and just rinse off the brush after the first pass
I find it hard to believe in one pass you can get anywhere near the same quality of shave as with 3 and a different handle.

It is the blade that shaves you - the same blade in each razor should deliver the same quality of shave in one pass, or a similarly improved shave in 3 passes.

There may be the odd razor model which due to negative blade exposure or something may deliver a substandard shave. Get rid. You don't need that hassle in your life.

And I would say use the claymore more. Sounds like you just need practise
- Man up, ignore my "but that's wasteful" habit, and just rinse off the brush after the first pass

I squeeze the extra soap back into its container and relather it the day after, which works fine for me.

On the other hand, soap is cheapish, so if you rinse it away it's not terrible.
I am also doubtful that a single pass with the Claymore gives you a better shave than the RazorHawk after 2+ passes. They are both single edge razors so the technique must be the same although it usually takes me a few shaves to settle into using a different razor. I note that the Claymore is made from stainless steel whereas the RazorHawk is made from aluminium so there must be a isgnificant difference in weight; another factor. I also note the lather was different so it is not really comparing like for like. If gels work best for you than stick with gels. Perhaps your choice of blade may not be ideal either.
I find Mitchell's Wool Fat and DE razors give me great shaves with a good blade; usually 3 passes plus touch ups.