Brass ball end Gillette

Thank you very much your replies. Appreciated.

I shall have a closer look when next in town. Looked as if it needs a clean, but not rocket science.
If it's really grubby, it might be difficult to judge its condition, and £37 would be steep for a cat in the bag.

But if it is in a decent shape, it might be a good buy.
I was thinking of selling my Techs, though, and one of them should be an all brass one, so if you'd like, I can lend it to you if what you're looking to do is try one out.

If it happens to be a different Gillette head on a ball-end handle, I might have one or two around as well.
Yes, $9.99 but straight away in similar items, there's another one for £60. It's not unusual for a £25 to £50 buy it now in very tatty condition, nor is it unusual for a £4.99 starting bid which will go for the first bid ... but, the items do need to come up and they're not infrequent, but they're not that frequent.

I think as with many such things, if you want one now and see one ... pay the price, otherwise you can wait.
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