Bow Ties. Yes or No?

My father was a frequent wearer of bow ties, but only those you tie yourself; they suited him well. I tried them a few times, but I usually looked like a waiter or used car salesman and thus gave up. Today I only wear one for black-tie, but I do struggle to tie one neatly. Some chaps seem suited to bow ties, but on many others they look like an affectation.
t'other question is wing collar or regular collar with a bow tie? I'm a regular collar fellow, evening suit, too.
For evening wear, a regular collar for me, starched shirt, yellow gold front studs and yellow gold cuff links. I've always thought a wing collar borders on being pretentious, but many chaps wear them. I also prefer a black silk waistcoat to a cummerbund; perhaps that's my inner pretentiousness showing itself. For white tie, however, I believe a wing collar is de rigeur; I run out of the room backwards when anyone mentions white tie.
Worked well for Gene Vincent circa late 1950s in Glasgow's Barrowland.

JohnnyO. o/
I can just image the reception you'd get in Glasgow wearing one today - let alone the 50's.

I do have a leather coat - and a bow tie, perhaps I'll try the combination at my retirement party.
We called those " Western Gambler " or " Maverick " style Frankie, although I don't really know if they have, or had, a correct name. Yeah, give that combo a go Rob, you could term it " Shaft Revisited " perhaps. I'm sure you could carry it off.

JohnnyO. o/.
Oddly, a year to the day after I started this thread my 9 year old wore a bow tie to her school disco yesterday!

I've dug out a couple of photos of me wearing them (and one after the end of a long evening in a before -after kind of way).

I have a very nice dinner suit for black tie events at the golf club. I do not wear it often enough for me to bother with a self tie bow tie so it's a pre tied one for me. I prefer slim ones to the huge things on offer. Normal collar though always. Wing collar is for white tie and a white jacket is for tropical occasions. Shawl collar,black oxfords, black socks, braces and normal collar shirt with black studs. Works for the few events I wear mine to.
I have several different black ties (single-ended, double-ended, and swallowtail) for evening dress, mostly acquired when I attended Mess dinners regularly. Always self-tied - a ready-tied bow is a solecism in the Officers Mess, and likely to prove costly when found out. I have an RAF bow tie, usually worn at joint functions, to annoy the Army. I also have a few day wear bow ties, but don't wear them often.

A friend of mine is an anaesthetist, and often wears bow ties because he thinks that doctors should look smart, and a bow tie doesn't fall foul of the control of infection polizei like standard ties.

A wing collar can work in some circumstances. I usually wear a normal turn down collar marcella dress shirt with self-tied bow tie (I prefer the slimmer ones too), shawl collar jacket, and black patent dress shoes. I also have a collarless marcella shirt and a proper stiff wing collar - 2.25 inches tall and looks very well with my old double-breasted dinner jacket for the right occasion. A bugger to clean and starch, though.

Skinny, floppy-winged collars invariably look dreadful, and are often to be found with those other evening dress abominations, the back-patterned shirt, and the matching non-black tie and handkerchief.