Bottle of Glycerin

I've bumped into a bottle of Glycerin in Boots the other day. It's no doubt more complicated than this and probably a stupid question but if I put some on a slice of shaving soap or shaving cream will it help increase the lather/slickness once I get to work on it with a brush?
What about using it as a pre-shave in some combination or on its own?

Additional: I wonder if it can 'save' a poor lathering cream I have. It's Pecksniff Leather from TK Maxx, no less!
It'll work fine when used as a pre shave, however you may find it feels warm when you apply it to washed skin. Glycerine is a well known ingredient in many shaving creams and soaps (also in Trumper's Skin Food) because its hygroscopic properties assist in moisturising the skin surface by drawing moisture from the atmosphere.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I've been using it combined with Noxzema , grapeseed oil, almond oil, and tea tree oil, as a preshave for about a month now. I add about 8 to 10 drops into a 2oz jar of Noxzema . Use a it as I arrange the rest of my shaving equipment. Place lather right over it.
Seems to work well, and mix costs less than commercial preshaves.
chrisbell said:
So my routine of pre-shave washing with glycerine soap is probably beneficial? I have in the past, primed my brush with it to add lubrication to creams that feel a bit "dry", if you know what I mean.

Glycerine soaps for washing & shaving suit my skin very well indeed Chris, can't promise that they will perform as well for everyone. If you haven't yet tried any glycerine shaving soaps if you pm me I'll happily send you a sample down if you want to give it a go.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I used to use Musgo Real "Glyce" as a pre-shave wash, but the lime oil caused irritation, so I switched to a plain glycerine face soap. Never tried a glycerine shaving soap, though. Aren't they tricky to lather?
And you can blow really big bubbles with it for the grand kids:

Basic Bubbles

1/2 cup Dawn liquid dish soap
1/2 gallon water
3 Tbls glycerine (available at pharmacy / chemical supply house)
Some use it for uber lather (shaving soap, some shaving cream and a couple of drops of glycerin and bowl alther as usual). I've never tried it, mostly becuase I can't find and/or I'm to lazy to find glycerin.
chrisbell said:
I used to use Musgo Real "Glyce" as a pre-shave wash, but the lime oil caused irritation, so I switched to a plain glycerine face soap. Never tried a glycerine shaving soap, though. Aren't they tricky to lather?

In shaving as in life; ANYTHING I can manage has little tricky about it !!!

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
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