Boots DE Razor Review

I've been using the Boots DE razor for the past couple of weeks or so, on and off, and it gives a very close shave. The blade has quite a high exposure without making the razor aggressive.

And, I've noticed the blade has a slight slant to it - it sticks out slightly more at one end than the other. Whether this is a fault in the product or intentional I don't know, but having this slant actually makes the shave closer I reckon.

The head won't fit any other handle due to the threading being shorter than on most razors, but the comb can be used on pretty much any other razor.
I got mine for £1.80, which, including 5 personna blades, is stunning value.
It can shave very nicely, very closely, but is not without problems.
First off it's very light, which makes it an easy nimble razor, but does mean it's very difficult to use without pressure, you have to learn to add some pressure yourself, but not too much.
Secondly the blades fit in very loosely, which means it's way too easy to have the blade misaligned, which is a recipe for cuts and scrapes.
Get it all right though and this little fella can give you a very close shave.

I now have the ubiquitous Edwin Jagger DE89, which feels like it doesn't shave quite so close, but is much easier to use and causes far less irritation so the Boots special doesn't get a look in, but I'm glad to have it as a back up.