
??? dinnae ken
Title really says it all guys looking for opinons on bolzano blades from anyone who has used them. I know they are a bit on the exspensize side but i have the italian connection( same one thats bring me a box a cella at end of month. stuff better be good or i need to find a another use for a kilo of shaving soap :hungrig ) so might be able to get a good price on bulk. Ordering some from from "he who cannot be named" :roll: but would like some opinions from any of you that have used them.
I don't even think Balzano's are made in Italy any more but I recall them being rather harsh but that was many many shaves ago. I would definitely get a sampler before you commit.
I am lead to belive they are made in germany now. But they are a italian blade so still sold their. Even though production has moved at least its not a gillette.
Sorry Pedro, I used one once (and only once) on 29 December 2009 in a 37c Slant and binned it.

I was desperate to like it and was very bitterly disappointed.

My SOTD notes of 29 & 30 Dec 2009 tell the sorry tale.



UPDATE: Sorry gents, I ought to have said that the pack of 5 were part of a sample pack from Paul. I hadn't bought a batch - thankfully - and this indicates, to me, the true value of the Connaught samples
I've got a 5 blade small pack from the Suffolk fella $&*&^X@!**&)#%^@#!!((&* that should not be named, as I was also desperate to try them a while back.

In the meantime I got mixed up with the Gillette Plats though, so haven't got around trying the Bolzanos yet. When I do, I'll report accordingly.
Well guys its to late ordered some from you know where so when they arrive i will give them a spin and let you know. I know what you mean about being deer but i could get them brought over from italy so might work out ok price. The kilo of cella only cost about 8 euro in italy.
I like Bolzanos. They weren't rough to my face/beard. They were sharp enough to slice through the beard, and smooth enough to leave my face behind.

... they are also probably the classiest looking/packaged blades out there that I've had in my stash - not that that justifies the cost, but if I can get them for a decent price, I'll buy more when my inances allow.
15 Euros per 100 here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /N-N-.aspx</a><!-- m -->

But €30 for shipping to the EU (outside Italy)

More palatable €5 shipping here.
I had some and found them to be good, not "Wow" good just good. In a 34C I found the shave clean but had too much irritation for my liking and in the Futur I got less irritation but still did not feel like an enjoyable shave (Futur was set at 3) Overall I felt I had better smoother blades so they were nice to try but not to bulk stock.

Probably if I revisited them now I would get better results but at the price I think I will keep the Feathers as my sharp blade.
Pete said:
I believe they are made by Feintechnik who also make Croma and Elios blades.

I checked the site out, but saw nothing about Elios there, never mind Bolzanos (ooh, an accidental Sex Pistols pun - woot to me!) I thought they (Elios) were still Spanish-made perhaps.

I supose I should try out the Cromas now, as both Elios & Bolzanos seem to like my beardie-bits OK.

The Elios blade appeared in DE blade manufacturing video that they have now taken down. Shame because it was about the only interesting thing on that site!

The Bolzano production moved there in 1991.