Blue's goats milk soap

Received this soap from a pif by Blademonkey. Wasn't expecting much if I'm honest but I will admit I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Postman delivered this morning and I eagerly opened the tin to have a sniff. First impression was a light peppermint scent. Very pleasant and not overpowering. On to the lathering, using my plissoft brush I quickly bloomed the puck for 30 seconds or so and went into the puck. After only 20 or 30 seconds of loading I had a lovely amount on the brush. So far so good. Onto the face and started face lathering. Wow! This stuff just erupted into a gorgeous lather, up there with the best artisan soaps I have used. Slick, cushioning and very very good long lasting lather. 3 passes and a good amount pulled from brush for a cleanup. For the price on eBay of just over £3 this stuff is a bargain. I will definitely be ordering more when the puck is finished. Very impressed. Only slight negative is no list of ingredients but it's not a deal breaker in my opinion. Well worth a try.
Excellent doesn't get top marks in the scent table,but as you've rightly stated excellent protection cushion great slickness, and your right for it's price it's up there with the so called artisan labeled for showing the ingredients, to my knowledge it's tallow based and a few goat's eye balls & dead flies thrown in for good measure! seriously it'll be no worse than other soaps & creams we use..if it was dodgy my face would flare up like a baboons arse...i've always had excellent shaves with it.Regards.
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This is a Good Soap & Better than Most So Called Artisan Soaps..Mild Scent Yeah..It Performs Very Well..Its So Skin Friendly So the Ingredients are Spot On..I Got these Ingredient's from a Chinese Site Some Time Ago..A Chinese Guy Authenticated that this is Correct..

Artisan Soaps..Eat you're Heart Out..

Goats Milk, Sheeps Tallow Oil, Honey & Glycerine..

I got it, and ditched it (PIF was not worthwhile in terms of postage).

I thought it gave a pretty good lather, but not off the charts, and whatever is in it seemed to smell a bit chemical-like to me. I just couldn't see myself returning to it on a regular basis.

So, the list of departees in my world recently are:

1. Blues Soap
2. Figaro
3. Vitos Red.

Comeback kid this morning was Proraso Blue, part of a continuing strong return for this brand. Use a bucket load of both the cream and heaps of water. I am really loving the smell of this one, and I think they manage a very decent lather once you get the knack.

Most exciting is that I have made space for a few replacements come Christmas time.
January update. I have been using this soap for the last couple of weeks and must say if it smells like Tabac I would say it's Tabac. Lather is great, post shave feel very good, lemony-minty-caramel scent but very subtle and not lingering at all. It's not far from New Zealand to China so who knows, maybe the fat in it is real goat and not dog...these Chinese people are crazy but know how to make shaving soap!