Blade suggestions for EJ DE89L?

chrisbell said:
I tried a Gillette Yellow the other day, on a few days' growth. It felt a touch rough on the first pass, but this seems par for the course with these blades. Passes 2 and 3 were much smoother and gave a close but comfortable result.

Quoting myself, I've just had a second shave with this combination, and it was seriously rough. I admit my prep perhaps wasn't as good as usual, but not so poor that it could explain the roughness of the shave. I've loaded one of the Blue Diamonds that Tackleberry sent me to try next time. I'll also try a Gillette 7 o'Clock Green, which I hated in my Merkur 34c.
Another update (mainly for Tackleberry's benefit): I've just used a Blue Diamond in the EJ for the first time, and I loved the shave. It was every bit as smooth as the Astra SP, but had that touch more bite. On that basis, I think it'll be nice in my Merkur 34x as well. I'm now going to order a lot of 50 from ebay.

i was just gonna add the Bluediamond.

i reveived my jagger yesterday and had my first shave with it last night, and even though i dont have the wealth of experiance, technique, and product knowledge that some have on here, that shave was really good. smooth, clean and without any irritation or nicks.

a great combo in my opinion.