Blade suggestions for EJ DE89L?

Didn't know you had left the Merkur but understand what you mean about blade gaps - their QC isn't the best. Trouble seems that once you've found your 'ideal' blade/razor combo you have to go through most of it again...

From what I have gleaned on the web the sharper blades work well so Feather, Yellows and Perma-sharp would be sharp as I am sure you'd know. Was considering a *89 razor but put off by having to perform more passes for a BSS so would be interested in your comparison between the HD and 89 razors including the grip/balance and ease of rinsing.

I'm keeping the Merkur, just adding the EJ so I have 2 everyday razors which keeps my 3 vintage Gillettes for occasions when I fancy using them.
I've only used the EJ once so far, but my impressions are positive, with some caveats. I bought the lined version, and I definitely found myself having to rinse lather off my fingers (which I don't usually have to bother about) in order to keep control of the razor; saying that, though, water didn't affect it at all, so all that's needed is a 2-second dip of the fingers to wash off excess lather. I personally don't think the EJ is that much milder than the Merkur - it is a touch, but it's still more aggressive, IMO, than my FT Rocket, or Slim on a low setting, and possibly just a touch more aggressive than my HD Rocket.

Probably the most striking things for me were the handle length, which is significantly longer than the Merkur, thus enabling the weight of the head to be used as we're always instructing newcomers to DE shaving to make sure they're doing, and the fact that the head geometry means that the razor needs to be held at a steeper angle than the Merkur (handle tilted more towards the ground when shaving the cheeks) in order to keep the angle of blade to skin at approximately 30 degrees. It also means that you can't go as steep with this design as the Merkur head, which possibly accounts for the reports of it being milder, as you can't do as much damage due to the maximum blade angle attainable before the guard bar forces the blade off the skin completely being shallower than the Merkur, if that makes any sense.
Thanks for the info Chris. Was looking at the Chrome version and glad it's not too different to the Merkur in its aggressiveness.

How is the blade exposure compared to the 34C and chrome finish too (though the latter I suspect is way better)?
Blade exposure past the head itself is similar - it's the fact that the guard bar protrudes slightly further out, plus the shape of the head, that makes it less aggressive. Finish is better, no doubt about it - the chrome on mine seems flawless and has a "depth" to the finish that the Merkur can't match.
Sorry Chris, late to the party, but another vote for 7 o'clock yellow, plus I also like green SS (Russian made) just as much. Like Chopper I'm not too ashamed to use an occasional Derby in this razor either!

I've been using my DE87 more recently as it happens. You're right about that depth of finish, I was going to say it's more lustrous but "deeper" describes the chrome shine way better.
Hi Gents, first post ...

I am using the same razor and i've only been DE shaving since February, so i'm still a newbie, but after trying a few blades, I really like the Astra Superior Platinum blades. I think they are perfect with DE89.

I find my EJ razor works better with medium sharp blades like Gillette Green, and WS Classic. But the best blades I have have found for it are Gillette Superthin, and Gillette 365. The 365s are no longer available, unless they've been repackaged. I've yet to try Personna Reds, Timor, Gillette Yellow, Treet, WS Saloon, . I avoid using Feathers with my EJ because I find them too sharp. Astras (blue) were a bit inconsistent though; they start well but go downhill rapidly after the 2nd shave.
I do have one and found that it works well with the Personna reds or the Astras. The polsilver also worked well.
I found it to be a touchy razor to find a good blade for, good luck.
Newbie here. I'm getting what I perceive to be smooth, close shaves from Wilkinson Swords (German) and Astra Stainless in my DE89L. A tiny nick now and then but only ever caused by me forgetting not to apply any pressure or being impatient. My razor came with Derbys initially and I have to admit that I almost gave up - felt like dragging sandpaper.

Very impressed with the fit and finish of the DE89L, especially at the price.
Personna, Red Pack.

Impossible to get a bade shave with one of those in an Edwin Jagger head.
I'm a novice, and like you have started with an ej and am finding my way with blades. The only truly bad blade I've found so far has been treet, best have been Astra sp and some personnas I got in morrisons on a whim.
I'm currently trying some irridiums which are also very good and have some feathers in the pipeline as well as some bolanzos and some others I can't remember the name of.
Good luck with the search for your perfect shave. I'm finding it to be half the fun of de shaving.