Blade Production Run Question

I'm just wondering how long a blade stays in production as i've read alot about people finding vintage blades in there stashs or certain blades becoming hard to find.
How long's a piece of string? Some production runs have been decades, some have been fleeting. Sometimes production moves to a cheaper country.

I take it you're thinking of building up a big stash of your favourite, just in case? :lol:
having moved to using gillettes... superthins, bleues, swedes and 7 o clocks.... i find that although there are slight slight variances in the feel of them, the quality of shave is much the same across the range. Regardless of where they have come from. Its why i'm sticking to gillette. I would imagine that although made in different countries, that gillette are probably specifying a fairly universal template and profile for all their blades.
CanucksTraveller said:
How long's a piece of string? Some production runs have been decades, some have been fleeting. Sometimes production moves to a cheaper country.

I take it you're thinking of building up a big stash of your favourite, just in case? :lol:

i was mulling it over, i thought it'll be typical if i work my way through the mixed lot i bought, find a favourite then a week later they stop production.

That's normal... happened to me 3 times in my first sample pack so I changed my action to "as soon as I found blades I liked, I bought at least 100 of them and if I really liked them 500..." thus guaranteeing that they'll never stop production of the ones I did that for.
Looking at your personal shavepocalypse you must really like almost every blade you've ever tried
I'm not much better at approx 16 years and 7 months' worth!

Which blades have you stocked up on most (over 100)? Mine are Super Thins,
Treet platinum, Astray stainless, Trig, Supermax stainless
I wouldnt be suprised if one day....every manufacturer got bought by the money hungry Gillette Mach company..perhaps overtime this may happen...then we shall all use str8 razors!.. :shave


Profit???nooo I wanted them so badly for my personal shavepocalypse!!!now I only got a pack of 10 which shall never be used!