If you are like me, you are tired of the jam jar, small tin,or box to throw your old blades in. Early in March, i asked Steve if he would consider adding
blade banks to his selection of mugs and scuttles. A few can be bought from America, but the shipping costs are very expensive. A few days later, he informed me that he thought it was a good idea and had ordered some corks to plug the bottom of the model he had in mind. I suggested that one with
a secure fitting lid with a slot would be more simple as i could see a problem with log jams when trying to empty through a hole in the bottom.

A day later, he sent me a photo of a glazed model with the plug along with the unglazed lidded model for my approval.
I noticed N1vlo placed a thread showing the model pictured below. I believe it is the same item.

After telling Steve that i wanted it to match the scuttle i have of his, he sent me the photo of the finished item (along with the bill)

It appears lighter than it actually is in the photo but it goes well with my scuttle.

A lot of you guys have mugs or scuttles made by Woodhead pottery. You are proud of them and post your photos to show that.
Steve tells me he is going to make up a few to see how they go and will glaze them in any color to match your favorite mug or scuttle.
So.....throw away your old boxes etc and see how much better it looks on your shelf next to your mug/scuttle.

I don't know if he has posted them on ebay yet, but you can contact him direct if interested.


  • 2 blade banks.jpg
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  • Copy of blade bank.jpg
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  • !Bq1G7,wCGk~$(KGrHqUH-CEEumu4CURoBL)HQSTldQ~~_35.jpg
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It looks nice and Steve's scuttles are great, but I think the disposable blade banks that you can buy that you can't re-access the blades from are a lot safer and more functional. Why store them up in this only to have to transfer them to another receptacle at a later date for disposal?


I agree there BUT this would look so much nicer on the shelf than the little metal tin (I have the same tin) :shave
Link to the disposable blade banks, decent price and reasonable shipping from the UK.

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If you want it to look ornamental then it's a viable option for storing your used blades but not for disposal.