Birth Year Razor.... this years razor


Along time ago in my family someone wise said there are three things you need to teach a boy, which way to pass the port at dinner, how to open a bottle of champagne and that every girl is someones sister and someone else's daughter, if you know those three things you won't go far wrong in life.

We have a boy on the way and I want to add something to the mix, (besides the half case of port we always get, (one for the birth, one for the 18th, one for the 21st, 30th, 40th and 50th). A nice birth year razor, something I can pass on in 16 years time.

I am a bit lost though, Ikon? Pils? what do you think is special enough, will have that age cachet in 16 years time. I am really at a loss, maybe even commission something? Who is good, cooncat bob?
