Big wardrobe change

Has anyone been through this?
I've got to an age (32) where I think I need to change my look. But I don't know if I should.
During the week I work half in schools so shirt,trousers etc the other half I work at home so anything really. On the evening it's either running gear or pj's as we have a young un.
Weekends are same jeans t shirt and hoody with trainers.
Now as I run my own company I think I should be dressing smarter, I'm even tempted to get a blazer/sports jacket.
But where would I wear it and would I look a tool changing my look ?
As long as your comfortable in what your wearing then sod everyone else. If that means running gear, hoodies etc then fine. However, if you want to add a bit of class then start with the basics like decent shoes, nice shirts and chinos/trousers. A helpful site might be It's a blog but has a fair few tips on the basics. You could also have a browse on but be warned there is a fair few 'interesting' characters on it and a lot of opinions.
I'm lucky in as much as I grew up pretty much influenced by Mod and Skinhead clothing. So much of that is timeless and classic (polos, decent shoes, smart shirts etc) that I haven't had to adapt too much as I have gotten older. I did have a few off years though, including a bit of a heavy metal phase and another of hoodies and trainers.

I find sports jackets and blazers are great as a dad; loads of pockets for all the stuff you end up carrying!

I find that decent shirts with nice shoes and jeans are adaptable to almost any situation. I need to wear a collar, be it a shirt or a polo. I don't like me in round necks. Trainers and sports wear are just for sports in my book.

But, as above, wear what you are comfy in. Clothes are very personal.