Big Ben

A pleasant surprise! After the first shave with a Feather and a few nicks, I persevered with it for 2 more shaves before chucking it. Not overly impressed and certainly not a quick whip around the face blade.

Put in a BB and it was a good shave, smooth blade but not too sharp.
I bought the Lord Sampler via an e Bay auction (Connaught), more because it was cheap than any yearning desire to try them.

I have been pleasantly surprised, the Shark Superchromes are one of my favourite blades so far and I found the Lord Cool to be pretty durable as I got 5-6 shaves from it (where I normally get 3-4 from most others). The only ones I didn't get on great with were the Orange ASCO's.

I haven't actually tried a Big Ben yet, but hopefully they will do a job.