BiC Ballpoints for women

If you know a woman who struggles with the sheer manliness of ordinary ballpoints - perhaps they are too heavy or not pink enough - then the answer is here:
Be sure to read the reviews!!
NotTheStig said:
If you know a woman who struggles with the sheer manliness of ordinary ballpoints - perhaps they are too heavy or not pink enough - then the answer is here:
Be sure to read the reviews!!

I'm amused by the person having a dig at all the reviews - sense of humour bypass, perhaps?
Well, I personally am delighted to see that Bic, that internationally renowned manufacturer of quality writing implements, has achieved a first in finally addressing the needs of the fairer sex. Many's the time I have found the effort of writing with a standard pen just all too much. Thank you letters, notes to the milk man and shopping lists were all left to languish due to my inability to heave up from the desk, and physically manhandle what we have always been led to believe is a 'unisex' pen. Many's the time we came back from our annual holiday to find 14 pints of milk on the doorstep and an apology note from the milk man about the broken in door (after he'ld told the police he feared the worst) - all due to the difficulties imposed by the typical male oriented pen. Now I have been enlightened by Bic's wonderful offering to my berry picking fingers and miniscule physical strength, I have ordered a box of these wonderful pens....'pens' seems too insignificant a word really, when we're talking about a whole new leap forward in the feminest revolution.
Thank you so much NTS for telling us about this; I shall be bringing it to the attention of sisters everywhere. I am though totally perplexed by some of the reviews on Amazon.:icon_biggrin:
I'm sure I do know my limits, as I too love little kittens. Once my new pens arrive, I'll be writing to all the major manufacturers to enquire as to their efforts so far to devise an appropriate keyboard.
soapalchemist said:
I'm sure I do know my limits, as I too love little kittens. Once my new pens arrive, I'll be writing to all the major manufacturers to enquire as to their efforts so far to devise an appropriate keyboard.


a quick google found that and the manufacturer
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