Bialetti pot sizes

Spalding, Lincs
Firstly some confessions.
1: I put my old Bialetti in the dishwasher and wrecked it.
2: I then left it about 6 months before getting a replacement (I just got out of the habbit of making coffee so never bothered.
3: I have just bought a replacement without measuring what the sizes are.

In my defence my old one would make a large mug of coffee, so I assumed it was a '3 cup'.
I was also sure when I bought it that it was advertised as a 3 cup.

So I ordered a 3 cup and its rather small. I instantly assumed the supplier had cocked up.
It turns out I had been using a 6 cup all along.

I always used to put half a mug of water in, percolate. Then whilst doing that I would heat 1/4 mug of milk, then froth in my Bialetti frother.

So I never actually used the full '6 cup' capacity. Although I should really have checked what I was ordering.

For reference, Bialetti have a chart

and you can also check gasket sizes on there too.
i have the venus 6 cup i think...still not enough for 2 mugs...bigger is better

forgot to i dont use milk thats minus additions
I have the 3 cup Bialetti. I presume the cups refer to an expresso cup. One full 3 cup shot does it for me, with a bit of added hot water to make it into a rather excellent mug full of Americano with a smidge of semi-skimmed milk. Also have a 6 cup for sharing, but Mrs SJ prefers the cafetiere, so it doesn't get used much.
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