Best UK Artisan Soap to try next?

Loving OSP & P&B.
I tried MWF years ago and apart from not being so easy to lather, I was less than impressed with the scent.
To me, MWF smells really cheap, like those small hard hand soaps that you used to have in public toilets. The ones that were a pale greenish colour.
I'm also going to say Wickhams 1912 here. I have several - Ninfeo, Magnum, Cashmere, Shamrock Tweed, Scottish Heather, Classic 24. They all lather beautifully and there isn't a scent I don't like. The scents are all well balanced, clean and harmonious, not too weak and not too strong - just right. I have a number of top soaps and these are right up there in my rotation with Eufros, GD, WK, SV, Pannacrema, Boellis, PdP....

I've used some other UK artisans of which I only keep MWF in my rotation. The one I really want to try is Nanny's Silly Soaps. I've exchanged emails with Sharron to find out more about her range, and she's very friendly and helpful. I really like the look of her soaps, though yet to try one.
Sharon's soaps are excellent in any of the ranges. For my tastes, she has the best range of scents - and the performance is great.

I have mentioned this on a number of occasions, but MWF is a terrific base for creating your own scents using essential oils. Take the soap, place it in a tub (I used an old Maca Root tub) and cover the soap with water. Add 10-15 drops of whatever mix of essential oils you like, and let it soak for 1-2 days. Shake off the exist liquid. Hey presto, you've got a soap scented as you wish. I have done it with a mix of lime, lemon and cedarwood. The scent seems to soak in and lasts as long as any other scented soap (they all seem to fade over time), but in this case you can repeat the process later to liven it up again.