best Simpsons brush

RE: best simspons brush

I would of definitely not accepted their response. I would have contacted the company direct and explained how long you had been a customer, how you stored and cleaned your brush etc. Its just an easy way out for them so they don't have to replace it.

I had a similar issue with a brush. I contacted the maker after one month where we decided that I would carry on using the brush for another month, to see if the shedding would settle down.
Unfortunately it didn't, the brush was returned and replaced within the week.

I think you will find a few people on here who don't have "kind words" to say about the company you bought your brush from.
To show I'm not biased I also own a duke 2 super two band and, touch wood, I've had no problems with it .
best simspons brush

My experience with Simpson was excellent.

My first Milk Churn was a shedder, after just a couple of weeks it as loosing about 10-20 hairs per shave. I emailed them and explained the problem, and how I was cleaning it etc. Their reply was to send it back, and within a few days they sent out a replacement. That one has been fine and it's been treated in exactly the same way, in approx three years I think I can count how many hairs it's shed on one hand.
RE: best simspons brush

sc0tt said:
Thanks gents appreciate the input. Ive decided to take the plunge and have a commodore x3 on the way

Good choice, the shape of the Commodore handle allows for a grip towards the base of the handle allowing the length of the handle plus the loft of the brush to use really efficiently with any bowl/mug. Enjoy the brush!
RE: best simspons brush

I've only had positive experiences with Simpsons brushes. I have a 'few' in my rotation one or two hairs have been shed when they were new but nothing major. Occasionally an odd hair sheds now.
Mark from Simpsons comes on here it would be interesting to see what he has to say about any shedding.
Commodore is a good brush for the price I have an X3.
RE: best simspons brush

I'm sure you will find 99% of Simpsons customers have nothing but praise for them. Though I have spoken to a few people about some of their customer relations which left a lot to be desired shall we say.

I am just responding to ceegee about the poor customer service he has received and I did say, "maybe he should have contacted the company first rather than go through the retailer". and again I'll point out, I own a Simpsons brush and have nothing but praise for it.

As for Shedding we all know there can be many reasons for it. Poorly stored, not washed properly, excessive pressure when lathering, water too hot etc. It could also be a badly glued knot or very old stock where the glue has dried out making the hair shed, or just sods law.

The brush I had to return which was not a Simpson, I specifically asked him to check the knot etc to see if there was any reason why it was shedding, I even sent him the hairs that had shed over a month to see if he could fathom it out, where they breaking at a specific point ? his reply was, "I can see no reason at all, the brush is clean there has been no excessive pressure used when lathering and it has been well cared for". And this from a well renowned brush maker.
RE: best simspons brush


Please send me an email -

I'd like to re-acquaint myself with the issues you were experiencing and the reasons given for the resulting outcome.

Many thanks,

RE: best simspons brush

Dear Mark

Thank you for that. I have sent the information you have requested to your business e-mail address.


RE: best simspons brush

Simpson Duke 3. I have tried 6 of them ( 4 in best badger , 2 in two band and a 7th one heading my way from 2008 , just when Vulfix took over the company) and I find it the best brush made by Simpson.
The Chubby 2 in best is another good one , as well as the Colonel , for the price.
RE: best simspons brush

I am fairly new to DE wet shaving, and am looking to buy a high end quality, dependable brush that will last. I rather had my sights set on a Simpson Chubby or Duke, but am a bit concerned at some of the negative comments posted, particularly concerning after sales service when there has been a problem (ceegee's for example on this thread - would be interested to know what the outcome of that will be). Could the more experienced out there please offer me some advice?
RE: best simspons brush

Could the more experienced out there please offer me some advice?

Have 4 Simpsons brushes and they are all fantastic.

You'll always hear the odd horror story... but the ratio of good to bad experiences is far higher in favour of Simpsons.
RE: best simspons brush

mattc3 said:
Could the more experienced out there please offer me some advice?

The fact that the Managing Director of Simpsons responded to this thread should allay your fears regarding customer service.

For purchasing buy from Executive Shaving - you'll get outstanding service. And use TSR12 for a 10% discount.
RE: best simspons brush

I think a lot of people are missing the point here about ceegees post but first lets give due credit to Mark, for responding via the forum and asking ceegee to contact him.

The fact of the matter is, that ceegee, having been a customer of Simpsons brushes for over 50 years had to post his frustration and sadness via a thread in the forum to try and get the matter resolved.

If I had been a customer for over 50 yrs, then I would feel badly let down as well if someone had told me that, "I hadn't cared for my brush properly". The fact he has been a customer for that length of time with no problems at all, should, have least set a few alarm bells ringing with Vulfix.


Out of the 2000 plus forum members on here I suspect that over 80% have at one time or still have, a Simpsons brush or brushes as the case maybe , so that should give you some idea as to the quality of the brushes made by Simpson.
RE: best simspons brush

Got to say after receiving my brush from dipesh last week, I have used it a good few times since, it is truly unbelievable how good it is, I am already thinking of making my next purchase of a simpsons brush