Best shavette

Cheers, I'm considering jumping in at the deep end and getting a SR
In my opinion that would be a good idea, buy a shave ready vintage or buy a vintage and send it for honing and buy a strop, if you like it then you can buy more razors and sharpening stones. For beginners I suggest a 5/8 or 6/8 round point(most common type) razor.
I find the shavettes using half DE blades difficult to use and less forgiving.
Look like nobody hasn't tried the Irving Barber Company (IBC) shavette which is very good, I do love the Feather AC DX & SS (folding & non-folding) and also the KAI Captain Standard DX (folding & non-folding) as well.

I do own the IBC shavette you can shave at a very shallow angle without any issue however you can't used the Feather Pro Light blade not enough blade exposure.

You can used either a
Feather Artist Club Professional
Feather Artist Club Professional Super
Kai Captain
Kai Captain Sharp
Kai Captain Titan Mild

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I like the fact you can use the AC blades with this.

The Irving Barber razors are just excellent. They shine with the AC blades and do a fine job with the injectors too. I did not care for using DE blades in it. They don't quite seem to snug up just right. They are hefty and well built. They feel as close to an actual straight in use as any shavette I have tried. The head geometry is good; tight and thin. It allows a shallower angle than a Feather SS. All the parts are interchangeable, and sold separately on the website. The owner is fantastic to deal with, and has helped me out with above and beyond customer service. The only downside I can see to them is that I believe they are coated Zamak. I could see moving parts wearing coating down if it were a razor used daily over a period of years. It hasn't stopped me from buying two of them though. Considering they are priced at right about the same as an SS, and in my opinion a way better shaver, I totally recommend them.
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Thankyou J.