Behind the SOTD-scenes

Software is fantastic but you still have an eye for how a shot should be set.....simplistic uncluttered pics seem to work well.
Agreed, I think we can post process too much.

Simple Mirror Next a Window for Light..No Editing Crap..A Decent Photo with Warts an All is Using Natural Light.

I much prefer it when shots haven't been Photoshopped there's something far more honest about it.

My pictures seem sad in comparison to all the efforts the forum members deployed in theirs.

Personally, I always take photos of my SOTD in the bathroom, on the windows frame, with my cheap Chinese cellular phone, and then I use a software (Fotor usually) to spice things up a little bit, and Illustrator for the text and layout.

I can just about get my head around taking a pic and uploading it, when I was into photography I never used anything more complicated than filters.
My set up is here. A cheapo lightbox set up that folds into a neat carry bag which comes with two lights and 4 backdrops. It cost £15.00 off the Bay. i tend to use wallpaper samples which are free from diy stores as backdrops. I usually use my iphone camera or a Nikon 1 J2 which has a wifi card. I send it to my phone and then edit it using Snapseed or Photoeditor.
Then on to Photobucket to get the IMG to post to the forum.
I can just about get my head around taking a pic and uploading it, when I was into photography I never used anything more complicated than filters.

I do miss the darkroom days.
I still have a slew of film cameras that are now seeing less and less use...and hold less and less value
When I lived in Chicago I had access to a darkroom and loved the feeling of seeing the prints emerge.
To this day I *try* to do in PS what I did in a traditional darkroom - meaning dodging, burning, cropping, etc and stay away from things like cloning in/out objects and adding rainbows or sparkles

That's a great setup. I'm thinking about getting something similar to that
Agreed, I think we can post process too much.

I much prefer it when shots haven't been Photoshopped there's something far more honest about it.
I crop a shot and change into black and white sometimes but I wouldn't know how to do too much more to be honest but i don't mind other people playing with their shots, it's all good, it's just a bit of fun. I think you know if it's been heavily touched up anyway.

Yeah I didn't mean to criticise, just stating a personal preference.
I just have a black throw I chuck on the bed! Proper low tec! As for lighting, it comes through the window! I've always been cheap, ha.
I detest smartphones so always use my point and shoot Fuji XF1. Mostly just use a chest of drawers situated near the window for natural light. I'll upload to Photoshop CS6 where I can manipulate to my heart's content and if I want a texture filter or similar I just use one of the many freeware one's available in the app stores.

To be honest most of my pictures looks pretty ugly before editing but they clean up OK.


Love the one where you left the colour on the floid bottle