Behind the SOTD-scenes

Monday February 9, 2015
I find 'behind the scenes' and/or 'before and after' photo threads interesting as they can, if nothing else, often be entertaining - and maybe in some cases re-assure one that you don't need fancy equipment/setup to achieve a look that you want.

Not that these photos of mine are any masterpieces in any way, shape or form but it could be fun to show that things are not as neatly planned/prepped as some photos may have you believe
Example 1:
Running low on time, plopped the gear down on a black t-shirt I threw out across the table.
Grabbed the phone and snapped a shot.

Once in PS I made it darker to hide the wrinkly t-shirt and cropped off the table showing at the edges.

Example 2:
A regular set-up spot for me. In front of the fire place.
Unfortunately, I was once again a bit rushed. The composition is a bit odd cropping through the bottle cap, the whole thing leaning a bit, the overly yellow cast, etc...

Once in PS. Straightened up the angle, a rather aggressive crop and the yellow cast, well, we all know b&w photo looks much more artistic so saved some time just converting it to that

And believe me, there are 'worse' examples on my phone
Like I say, about as basic as it gets, but it gets the job done. The base is facing the right way, the upper section is the rear, held together by one of mans finest inventions:

I wanted a reasonable setting to take some close up shots for SOTD and other things, and these left over pieces fit the bill perfectly, and cost me nothing.
It's the lighting I struggle with on photos... Which is generally my excuse for not bothering to take any SOTD pics. I am too lazy to use the SLR , then download the photo using a wire, then upload to TSR. As such I just use my tablet, with no flash.

Yes I know, I am very lazy. Blame my lack of time due to work and three young children!!!

Great idea to post these behind the scenes photos.... It may even inspire me to put some effort in!!!

I'm equally 'lazy' - I just use my phone for SOTD photos.

Sorry if I'm being stupid but do you have Photoshop on your phone? I assume that's what "PS" means?

Would be useful!!!


Actually yes I do
There are, as far as I know, three Adobe products available for iPhones and iPads:
- Photoshop Express,
- Photoshop Fix, and
- Photoshop Mix (mostly for blending multiple images)

They are all free - give them a try - they all do a bit different things

In addition to those I think it's hard to beat Snapseed as a quick, mobile photo editor.