Before or after?

Check out the Charles Bronson 'Mandom' commercials on YouTube :lol:
I suppose for me, applying balm and splash, is part of the ritual. I love wapping potions on my just-shaved mug and so far it's worked out ok. I like it so I do it.
Aftershave is a lotion, gel, balm, powder, or liquid used mainly by men after they have finished shaving. It may contain an antiseptic agent such as alcohol to prevent infection from cuts as well as to numb damaged skin, a perfume to enhance scent, and a moisturizer to soften the skin. An alcohol-based, fragrance-free astringent can be used as an aftershave. It is said that the alcohol (usually SD Alcohol 40-B) in the aftershave closes pores in the skin and prevents irritation ("razor burn")

Courtesy of Wickpedia.

I use the balm version of an aftershave. Some prefer it as a lotion. I have never understood the need for both. Cologne is different - that's just a scent which you do not apply to the face - or perhaps some do!
If I was to suggest a 'which comes first' it would have to be splash to do the biz on your abused skin and then balm to do whatever it is the manufacturer (or FHM / Men's Health / Cosmopolitan) claims it can do.
Had an interesting discussion today with a consultant in Boots. Her advice was to apply a moisturising balm directly after shaving. She said an after shave lotion should NEVER be applied before moisturiser. Her advice was to use an effective balm and use an after shave cologne/eau de toilet in spray form and to apply that away from the shaved area - on the upper chest. It seemed to make sense to me.
I happen to like the sensation of aftershave; they don't all sting or dry the skin. Proraso, Speick and Aqua Velva splash are quite soothing splashes. At the end of the day just do what feels best for you; it doesn't really matter that much, regardless of what anyone else might try and tell you - especially a female consultant in Boots. :roll:
Applying aftershave after balm is really counter intuitive to me, surely if AS is supposed to be drying then it would be best to follow it with a more "soothing" balm?
Wouldn't you also significantly reduce the antiseptic effect of an AS by using it on top of a balm?

I'm assuming of course that you are "splashing" the AS rather than dabbing it behind your'e ears for scent?
Fido said:
Her advice was to apply a moisturising balm directly after shaving. She said an after shave lotion should NEVER be applied before moisturiser.

That is outrageous.

She has cologne and aftershave confused, perhaps.

I'll bet if you saw what she looked like you would have listened very carefully to what she said!
Fido said:
I'll bet if you saw what she looked like you would have listened very carefully to what she said!

ROTFL - A retired solicitor friend of mine addressed one as "painted hussy" in the classic response to "can I help you?" - his stab at it being "painted hussy, my daughter would like to be a similarly painted hussy, please empty my wallet and fill a bag with the required product".

He got everything he wanted
Applying balm and then AS is not right for me.

After shave is more effective before balm since balm is much more long lasting and AS after balm deadens its effect. You are applying AS on top of something - surely counter-intuitive.

AS is most effective after witch hazel. Witch hazel is most effective after alum.

In other words:

Alum on a wet face.
Rinse clean with cold water after 2/3 mins.
Apply witch hazel and let it evaporate.
Then apply after shave if you want - but why, when WH does the same trick and EdT gives a much longer lasting fragrance?
Then balm, if needed, after AS but not before AS. Why apply AS on top of balm? If its for its astringent qualities, then applying on top of balm surely dilutes its properties. If its for fragrance reasons, use EdT instead which gives much better longivity and sillage.
If using witch hazel therefore, you can miss the AS and go to EdT instead, on elbows and chest.
EdT gives a sillage that AS scent cannot, so why waste dosh on scented AS, in my opinion. A bit like not spending dosh on scented expensive pucks when cheap tallow sticks give as good a shave.

Plus, fragrances are an art in themselves and another fine hobby.

The Boots assistant does not know what she is on about.

AS then balm. But then that's just logical.

Rant over.

EdT on shaved skin is not pleasant. In fact, it hurts like hell.

Give her that.

Maybe she has personal experience.

Chest and inner elbows are the best for EdT

She is confused about AS and cologne though. We insist you go back tomorrow and speak to her manager about her training needs.