BBS below the Jaw Line!

Isle of Wight
When you guys claim a BBS is that face and neck or face only? I can attain a face BBS almost every shave with the usual 3 pass shave, WTG, XTG and ATG but dropping below the jaw line takes a deal more work. I realise we are all different and personally my stubble sprouts in approx 4 different directions below the jaw line and down my neck. This requires me to attack it in different directions to gain a pretty close shave. Even using this method I still feel a slight stubble when I run my hand across the grain.
Is it possible to get a totally clean silky smooth neck or am I trying too hard?
No idea about everyone else, but you've described my shaves perfectly. I can get a clean feel on my neck, but the number of passes and variety of directions leaves me raw. I settle for close on my neck and smooth on the face... this being on the principle that, in the unlikely event she chooses to do so, my wife will only kiss my face!

We all live in hope mate!
Used my Merkur Vision with an Astra blade this morning. Honest::: one pass WTG and it was an excellent shave. 2nd pass ATG and it was really really close to being an BBS*. Two passes. Can I do this with every razor - NO. Fixed heads. I have a few 04's that will do it in 2 honest passes. ( *whole face and neck. )
With my Futur or Weber razors, I get BBS shave every time with 2 passes. The only touchup is with the jawline, as you mentioned. I think against the grain for the neck works best.

With other razors it took 4 passes and I still didn't get there without burn and more buffing. Also, having a good lather at the time helps. And one last thing, I've been doing cold water shaves lately and that seems to have helped things.
I very rarely get bbs on neck or jawline. The stubble is so tough only against the grain works. When I have managed it it's been a day of soreness and pimples and the odd ingrown. I can get it nearly as close as my cheeks if I use the right blade, razor and soap and just make do.
Odd, my neck is the easiest place to get BBS.

I only do two passes here. WTG and ATG.

My jaw and chin however I have tried 4 passes on once and still had nothing like BBS.

Incidently, I tried 2 or three times to go ATG with a cartridge and got major irritation every time. When I started DE shaving I winced when watching geofatboys videos on youtube. It made me feel ill watching him go against the grain.
Now, with a DE, I look forward to the ATG pass the most!
I can get neck bbs with a de or (whisper it) a cartridge, probably more easily with the latter. I can't, quite, with an open razor. Despite this I use an open razor daily because I like using it (and I think it makes my skin feel a little better, but that's not my reason).
cruciate said:
Odd, my neck is the easiest place to get BBS.

I only do two passes here. WTG and ATG.

My jaw and chin however I have tried 4 passes on once and still had nothing like BBS.

I'm much the same - the growth on my neck is light and I usually get very close to BBS there (in fact, the only area which usually doesn't end-up BBS is just under the jawline where the hair is heavier). Above the jawline, however, is coarse and wiry - I never get BBS here, as it would require 4 passes, which is one too many for my liking, and I can't go ATG on my top lip as the skin there seems thin and prone to weepers. I therefore usually aim for "almost BBS" below my jawline and "DFS" above.
my neck is a nightmare for me... above the jaw is an easy shave, no issues at all.

below the neck, i simply cannot have a shave that doesnt create some redness. The hair just grows in too many directions in very small patches to be able to go with the grain on all of it. i stopped trying for BBS on the neck years ago
BBS above my jawline is easy but neck is the most difficult and patches either side of my windpipe just under the jaw are most difficult of all. With a mild blade such as green 7 o'clock I can get painless BBS but with a sharper blade, I'll get irritation so settle for good enough. Less sharp blades I don't even think BBS.
Good to know it's not just me then! There I was thinking I was doing something wrong not getting a perfect neck BBS. Goes to show how different we all are, infact I just rubbed my hand north to south on my neck-mildly prickely left to right-mildly prickely then right to left-more heavy rasp. Getting to know my own face is something I never considered till I started DE shaving and my skin as never been better.