Barging in

Howdy fellas,

Hope you don't mind Australians around here. Truth is, it's only because a certain other forum has been down for maintenance more often than not that I visited here. Anyway, poking around a few threads, it turned out the banter here is of impeccable quality, so why not stay a while?

Status: DE shaving with a Merkur HD for about three months now, and starting to get ideas about a more aggressive razor to mow down my coarse beard. Alternate between Frank Shaving badger (with TOBS samples) and Semogue boar (with Australian Palmolive shave stick), with the latter lineup providing the better shaves, surprisingly. Hoping to buy a Simpson best badger of some kind in the not too distant future and try out some more soaps. It being winter here, and a pretty nasty one at the moment, I also have a Dirty Bird scuttle on order but have a long, cold wait for it to arrive. Blades of highest esteem have been Personnas (red ones and the Lab Prep) followed by Feather (bit harsh but it's probably my fault) and maybe Astra. I've received some Gillette blades of various descriptions that I'm looking forward to trying as well. If only one could shave several times per day...

Thanks in advance for your kind welcomes and for any bits of wisdom you can impart

Sydney, Australia
Hello Gavin, please rest assured that antipodeans are welcome here.

Whilst you're waiting on that scuttle, rather than shivering in cold why not improvise one? A big jug and a bowl which sits over it will do the trick.
Hi & very welcome Gavin. Since you like the Merkur you're already using I guess perhaps a Merkur Slant or Progress adjustable may be logical progressions. Or, maybe even a good old single edge.

Whatever you decide to try out enjoy the journey & don't be a stranger here ........ as you may have noticed we don't really stand on ceremony here !

JohnnyO. \
Hello, Good Afternoon and Welcome, Gavin. You'll find us a friendly bunch of rogues :lol: :lol: . Have you got any shaving supplies outlets in Oz or do you rely on internet shopping?

Gingerpose said:
Hello, Good Afternoon and Welcome, Gavin. You'll find us a friendly bunch of rogues :lol: :lol: . Have you got any shaving supplies outlets in Oz or do you rely on internet shopping?

Entirely internet. There's a franchise here called "The Shaver Shop" which is a bad joke. Some good Australian websites, and of course the rest that we know and love. I've ordered from,, and And of course there are many others awaiting the return to health of my credit card.

It would be nice to browse in a shop, especially for brushes, but all in all it's even nicer to have a fabulous range of goods available on so many well-cared-for websites.
Hi Gavin and welcome to TSR
Used to live in Sydney myself many years ago. Started in Manly, then Harbord, then Dee Why.
I played in the snooker team for the Harbord Diggers RSL club so hung out there a lot.
Also worked in Kings Cross
Fond memories.
regards, beejay

Grew up in Narrabeen myself, so I'm very familiar with those places. I'm a proud inner-Westie now, though.

hando said:
i survived schoolies '95

Schoolies was '94 for me. Just a week in the Gold Coast, if I remember correctly, which I probably don't. I've been back to Byron Bay for the Blues Festival three times though. w00t!

Canuck said:
Hiya Gavin, first Aussie I've seen on here I think. You're more than bloody welcome.

Why thank you kind sir!