Barber shop shaves


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
After trying out a barber shop shave in the summertime I look forward to the next chance I have to enjoy another.If I am out and about I tend to stop and have a look in any traditional barber shop windows to see if they offer such a service.I reckon a post where people list shops they know of which offer a shave may prove useful so post up and Hunny can add to the wiki later :lol:
I spotted one in Birmingham a couple of days ago, the name is 'Jacks of London' and the interior looked very nice.Price list did seem a bit expensive, coming in at £25 for a 'cut throat' shave.
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I will let Russ add the info for Salandini.
As per
Salandini's Barbers
Tel: 0141 357 6396
West Princes Lane (50Yds from Kelvinbridge Underground)
G4 9HF.

Prop. Luigi Polito
Closed Sun. & Wed.
Currently shaving with Astra SP. (You can blame me for that)
Uses Proraso products and a blowy, steamy machine thing!
(Try the Sicilian lemon AS )
Use the underground, there are plenty of parking spaces, but it can be expensive and if you over-run you will get a ticket, deffo.
Shish Mahal Indian is around the corner. Chicken Tikka Masala invented here. One of Scotlands best (£6 LUNCH )
If you go PM me as I live within 5 mins walk and I'll tell Luigi your coming.
The Barber near me does cut throat shaves i think. Hes got all the gear for it anyway.
Whether he still does them, i dont know. He has used the razor on someones head before though to get abit straight, so i take it that he does.
Not sure how much they are if he does do them, but a hair cut is £4 there.
But, due to me now having slightly longer hair, he cant cut it

Might have to pop in one time and ask about the shave, see what its like. Not sure if i will be abit nervous/fidgety though........
especially when he has a sweeney todd movie poster on the wall next to the mirror :lol:
Will be looking forward to making a trip in the New year...£12.50 for a straight shave is good for London prices and it looks like they use a real straight shavette, or cartridge which is reassuring.


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There are a few places I've heard of here in Galway but they charge 25-30 euro. I did go into one of them about a year ago but the queue was too long
that lead me to do some research on the net and eventually lead me to 'proper' DE shaving. Have'nt really had the urge to try a barber shop shave since.

I had a Christmas prezzie shave at Efe Turkish Barber last year and it was a great experience! They DO, however use a shavette. I think I paid £9.50. Well worth it, even if the price has gone up!
Barbers Lounge near Hemel Hempstead does a cut throat shave for £9, using proraso shave cream.

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Hey Tony.

Been off this thing for a while, really. Still enjoying the shaves, just not had the time to write about it!

Been busy renovating the house. I'll post pictures of my new look bathroom soon...
He he he!

Not quite, but I do get my own sink though...

It has a large flat base, so I can rest my shaving mug in there to keep my brush warm, even when rinsing/running the tap. Love it!