Barbaros & Rocnel "B&R" Adjustable Review

Being a designer, and knowing how the machines work. And the actual, generic process of machining these days. A 3 piece razor head should not require more time in the machining department then a german Luger does.

And the amount of polishing...... I have dealt with the polishing department in a major world class auto company. I know people who can polish something like that in 5 minutes. No offense. but even if they polished it by holding it in one hand and rubbing it with a hanky,,, it would not need 6 hours to polish.
Previous posting in this thread has been removed as it constituted and unwarranted attack on both manufacturer and reviewer. Nonetheless, some of the points made about the razor may well have been valid. The poster is therefore invited to repost, making these same points without abuse. It would be interesting to know how long said poster has been using this razor.