Banned forever from Badger & Blade

Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

Ok then, I'm voting with my finger(s), just blocked B & B site and come away from them, especially if the draconian way of treating forum member is true. Stuff em..
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

Fox said:
I here by declare the renaming of said website to "Badgered and Banned!". We should all lobby for a Badger forum cull.

Be careful what you wish for, Fantastic Mr Fox!

Sounds quite appropriate though!
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

I spent about 18 months as a regular B&B user and it did it's job. I was informed and enabled in equal parts.
The only reason I don't use it anymore was my discovery of this forum. I don't know why it took so long to type "UK shaving forum" into Google but I made it here eventually.
Only been back on B&B if a google search into a specific item has taken me there. I don't miss it.
I did see some ridiculous Mod-sustained arguments on there which put me off a bit but I managed to stay out of them and avoid a ban.
Perhaps we should copy their 'badge' system and introduce a 'banned by B&B' badge on TSR? ;-)
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

I was on there when the membership was little more than is currently active on this forum.

Got banned, obviously. They don't do sarcasm or irony at all well over there.

Wouldn't thank you for membership now.

Complete and utter bunch of cockwombles.
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

Been banned twice on B&B.

Regardless, the point is quite simply: there's nothing like TSR. And we're proud of it.
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

N_Architect said:
Been banned twice on B&B.

Regardless, the point is quite simply: there's nothing like TSR. And we're proud of it.

Ah, so some of us have gone round 360 degrees on B&B.

I can't say I'll be visiting that place again any time soon. I'm happy here as well, so why should I be looking for info on B&B?

Long live TSR!!
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

A forum without a Vinny ? that's like porridge without salt and definitely deserves a visit from Mr. Cockpunch !

JohnnyO. \/
Re: RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

JohnnyO said:
A forum without a Vinny ? that's like porridge without salt and definitely deserves a visit from Mr. Cockpunch !

JohnnyO. \/

Blergh! Porridge with salt! Do you wear a hair shirt and beat yourself as you eat it too? Chocolate and vanilla oat bran porridge here (with sugar) and made with milk because it's not the middle ages and there's not a war on
Re: RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

Gave me a late night titter HM!
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

Kinda brought a cynical smirk to my gnarly old visage also.

JohnnyO. \:blush:
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

tonyspurs said:
I had a couple of bollockings but never got banned probably cos I got bored first:icon_razz:

Tony Spurs wtf are you doing to that dog?

Doesn't matter, seems like you are both enjoying it.
RE: Banned for ever from Badger & Blade

Lol giving the old Boy a kiss :icon_razz:
We lost him last month after 14years:icon_sad: