Atkins(low carb diet)!

After giving up smoking(2 years), and then falling through scaffold last August and being housebound for 8 months. I managed to pile on weight like a baby whale, I felt awful, could hardly get my socks on without panting like an asmatic 80yr old. So on Monday 11th April I put myself on the first ever diet of my life, as of this morning I've lost 11lbs and do actually feel a bit better. The weights nearly all on my stomach and according to my nurse(blood disorder reg visits) compresses my internal organs when trying to bend over. A bit long winded, but my question is are there any low CARB dips sauces known to you guys to liven things up. As obviously HP and Ketchup are out, as are most of the dozens in the cupboards and I getting bored of Full cream and blue cheese. Any suggestions for these or low carb dishes greatly appreciated
Sour cream / yoghurt / mayonnaise (separately or mixed), add curry / garlic / chili / herbs (separately or mixed).
Less the dipping kind, but nice with fish or meat, an oriental/ponzu style sauce: oil, soy sauce, lime juice, chili, chopped garlic. Edit: and fresh coriander!
Soy butter (with melted and browned butter plus some chopped shallot or regular onion) is also nice, primarily with fish.
Adding some wasabi powder to a sauce could liven it up as well.

Not much carbs in any of those?

Good going on the weight loss - best of luck!
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