ASDA Slash Fusion Prices

Interesting article.

I like the bit about shoplifting :lol:

The ASDA buyer is right to bring up the huge amounts spent on paying multimillionaire athletes to promote products. Maybe that will be a good thing to come out of the financial shenanigans (but with Northern Rock still paying out to sports stars probably not).

I would love to know more about the 'widespread anger'........could the humble cartridge razor be the thing that destroys slick expensive marketing and the snake oil salesmen who perpetuate it? :lol:
Funnily even if the price of a Fusion cartridge was the same as a single de blade I'd still buy the DE blades; I only searched out shaving forums because of the poor shaves I got from my new, at the time, Gillette Fusion and thought to myself "there must be a better way".

I get a better, more comfortable, less irritation, closer, zero in-growns, no razors bumps, and pleasurable shave from a product that happens to be significantly cheaper!

We are the enlightened!
Too true Yanner. Another reason not to switch back to cartridges is that I'd rather shave with a lovely piece of metal in my hand ('56 Flairtip Superspeed) than a crappy bit of plastic.
It always makes me laugh when I see the price of the cartridges I have a price limit of £10.00 for a straight razor Inc postage and if properly looks after the straight will outlive me. However this philosophy is rather flawed because I now have over 100 straights so I could have bought enough cartridges to last me a life time with what I’ve spent. I do think that we are enlightened though because since changing from the squirt in a can and multi blade rubbish I no longer suffer razor burn have no in growing hairs and get a lot better more enjoyable shave.
Too true Yanner. Another reason not to switch back to cartridges is that I'd rather shave with a lovely piece of metal in my hand ('56 Flairtip Superspeed) than a crappy bit of plastic.

I agree i too strayed of the path light and went to the dark side of the fusion , but gladly i have seen the light again, and to have something solid in your hand ( i mean the razor boys) is a joy.