Asda Cheese Slices

Occasionally the above are purchased in this house, usually for trashy cheeseburger making (for some inexplicable reason Jarlsberg - whilst a great slice for cheeseburgery - doesn't always make the grade) - each slice comes individually wrapped, just as it has for the last 30+ years and you unwrap them in exactly the same way as you have since 1972...

Suddenly (actually maybe they've been doing it for 10 years - but I've only just noticed) they have started printing helpful hints next to the flap that you open "open here" - which is great and a handy hint for the terminally bewildered, but if you're in that much trouble that you need the hint, there's a problem, the printing is in cheese-coloured ink and is 99% invisible until you actually open it.
By the way, if a couple of years ago someone had suggested I'd one day be reading a message about Asda cheese slices on a forum dedicated to shaving I think I'd have called the men in white coats! :shock:
Pig Cat said:
By the way, if a couple of years ago someone had suggested I'd one day be reading a message about Asda cheese slices on a forum dedicated to shaving I think I'd have called the men in white coats! :shock:

Maybe we should send 'em round to hunnymonster's place? :lol:
Cheese slices have been known as Marley Tiles in my family for ages! They are nice in an artificial way, Heston Blumenthal makes his own for his perfect burger, cream of tartar is important I believe.

If you struggle to open them you need help!