AS alternative?

OK - I shall elaborate... I put a few drops on my handkerchief because I had a bunged up nose.... I was outside and had a quick snort of the Olbas when a gust of wind blew the corner of the handkerchief into my eye...

It wasn't as bad as my rugby-playing friend's Ralgex incident though... there we were on the bus back from a match, and Bob (name changed to protect his modesty) had picked up a groin strain during the match. He decided the thing to do was Ralgex the area ASAP, so keks down on the bus Ralgex at the ready, started spraying and the bus went over a bump. His crown jewels caught a blast of Ralgex... When we got back to the club, he ran into the bar in about 3 strides, grabbed somebody's pint off the bar whipped off his strides and dropped his tackle into the lager - possibly the best use of lager I've ever encountered.
lol ant, class.
I picked up some of the Boots freshwood A/S milk/Balm tonight.Hoping it saves me splashing out on the DRH stuff.

how much do you use? Just several drops, right?

antdad said:
As a kid I had a Brut fight with my brother, this stuff ran down my back and down the crack.
It was only then that I truely knew what Johnny Cash was taking about.

One of my mates used to refer to it as "Nipple Burner" - he "splashed it on all over" like 'Enry said - but what 'Enry omitted to mention was "don't get it on your nipples or it'll burn like buggery" :mrgreen: