Artisan soaps vs mass produced

I'm glad that artisan soaps exist because they tend to fill niches in the market that mass produced soaps miss. It's nice that we have the choice to buy extremely strongly scented or over-the-top mentholated soaps but I can't help but be disappointed when the actual performance doesn't even match, let alone exceed that of a cheap soap like Palmolive or Speick.
Artisan soaps have the coolest names, if Haslinger were to introduce a mentholated soap it would be called Menthol, not Margaritas in the Arctic.
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As far as I'm concerned there are two dimensions to soap:

Quality / Functionality - Good through to bad
Interest (especially scent) - Imaginative through to plain

Artisans usually score well on the latter, but on the former it's a pretty even distribution from mass produced through to one (wo)man band
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Greybeard, it's, but from your future. Yes me! You!
Just wanted to try and warn you beforehand that if you insist in posting this question you may be in danger of creating schisms in the very fabric of the forum. at some point, some idiot might even demand a referendum to determine if they should stay in the forum or go their own way. You might even cause dangerous ripples in the market for artisan and mass produced shaving products! Think on!
Curious, re: US soaps - have you tried Barrister & Mann? If so, what do you think of their soaps?
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Good performance but really, really, really strongly scented. Expect your face, hands and brush to stink for hours afterwards.
+ 1..Yeah That..That Barrister & Mann Ate My Face Off..It Stinks Like a Brothel..It Stinks the Bathroom, It Lingers Like a Bad Perfume for Yonks..Its Like a Number of so Called USA Artisan Soaps..Oh..I Forgot its a Poor Soap any Roads..In Fact it Doesn't Even Resemble what I would Expect of a Soap..


I had trouble getting consistent lather out of the old formula. I haven't tried the newest base yet. I've enjoyed *some* of their scents myself.