Arrived here after an Epiphany in Sainsburys!

Agreed. I suppose I naively expected the selection of razor to be the big debate with the blade being a mere formality. I mean, how different is one slither of stainless steel from another?

How wrong I was! I'm here to learn though.
Hi and welcome to TSR.

I must point out your first mistake though sadly, spending money of DE shaving will cost you more in the long run. The amount of blades/creams/soaps/razors/brushes will send you dizzy.

I have been doing it for a around five months now and have never regretted a second. A comfortable close shave is a fantastic feeling.

I will admit to spending a fortune on on a large selection of items that only cost a few pounds each but soon enough add up very quickly. Just make sure you keep as much out of the way of the Mrs as you can.
I can definitely see that happening!

Hair styling products have been a vice for a long time already. I've got countless jars of wax, pastes, pomades and most other things you can buy. I suppose this is just a natural extension of that!
chrisbell said:
I respectfully disagree. Blade choice is very personal - the Gillettes may be the only ones from that list that work for you, but that isn't the case for other people - I, for example, love Astras.

I'd be surprised if you didn't. Anyway, smartassing is one thing, but the fact that Yellow is the only blade on this list that has a universal acknowledgement as a good all-rounder is another, which kinda makes it a benchmark. I'm not going to write a paper in a peer-reviewed journal on this btw.
I didn't say it was an absolute - it's a case of a like/dislike ratio, as compared to the rest of the blades. Dislikes on this one are statistically negligible anyway.
Great starting setup that, I did the same thing a year ago last Christmas with some different items, but they are a good price for some quality stuff.

I'm a fan of 7 o'clocks by the way, not many aren't. The yellow sharpedge are great.

Epiphany in Sainsbury's - love it.

You'll get lots of great advice on here, but you'll still do your own thing anyway until you find the correct set-up for you. Enjoy the journey.

Only advice I can offer is work on your technique; it took me a long time to 'unlearn' my cartridge shaving style.
deviant83 said:
I can definitely see that happening!

Hair styling products have been a vice for a long time already. I've got countless jars of wax, pastes, pomades and most other things you can buy. I suppose this is just a natural extension of that!

Hair extensions - that for the birds!!
Thank you for the continued welcomes.

I've not got the hair extensions, but pretty much all the other paraphernalia!

I had hoped my kit would've arrived today, but unfortunately all I've received so far is an email notification of there dispatch. I also made the error of getting it delivered to my office without considering I won't be back in until Monday.

I must confess to already being bitten by the bug. I seem to recall stumbling across my,Grandfather's razor when clearing out my Grandmothers house a few years ago. So I've asked my Mum to have a look for it. She also believes that my Dad still has his original razor from when he moved to England in the 70's. It'll be interesting to find if their are any already in the family!
Finally, my kit has arrived! I have performed a lucky dip and the astra blades have been selected. I haven't shaved since Saturday, so I'm definitely ready for my first ever DE shave.

SWMBO thinks I've gone mad, I'm so excited to shave! Wish me luck...